Anchorage: Moose Breaks into Home, Indulges in Midnight Snack

Anchorage: Moose Breaks into Home, Indulges in Midnight SnackAnchorage: Moose Breaks into Home, Indulges in Midnight Snack In an unexpected twist of events, a moose made headlines in Anchorage, Alaska, after breaking into a home and enjoying a midnight snack. The incident occurred late one night when the unsuspecting homeowner, Mrs. Jones, was awakened by a loud thump. Upon investigating, she discovered a large moose standing in her kitchen, calmly munching on a bag of potato chips. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said Mrs. Jones. “It was a moose in my kitchen, eating my potato chips!” The moose seemed unfazed by the homeowner’s presence, continuing to devour the chips with gusto. Desperate to get the intruder out, Mrs. Jones tried shooing it away with a broom, but the moose stood its ground. Eventually, the moose finished the chips and turned its attention to the refrigerator. It opened the door with its antlers and pulled out a container of ice cream. Mrs. Jones watched in disbelief as the moose licked its bowl clean. “It was like a scene from a comedy movie,” she said. “I was laughing and panicked at the same time.” After finishing its midnight feast, the moose exited the home through the front door, leaving behind a trail of empty chip bags and a fridge door slightly ajar. The following morning, Mrs. Jones contacted the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, who confirmed that the moose was a young male that had likely been attracted to the smell of food in her home. Wildlife experts say that moose break-ins are not uncommon in Anchorage, especially during the winter months when food is scarce. They advise homeowners to keep their doors and windows securely locked and to store food in airtight containers to avoid attracting moose. Mrs. Jones, despite the unexpected nocturnal visitor, couldn’t help but be amused by the incident. “I mean, who can resist a moose eating potato chips at midnight?” she said with a laugh. “It’s something I’ll never forget.”


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