Rural practices firmly reject government offer of funding as shameful

This HTML code includes an audio player, text content, and images.This HTML code includes an audio player, text content, and images. 1. Audio Player: – “ element with an “id” of “audio-121284-1” and attributes for loading audio without autoplay (“preload=none”) and enabling playback controls (“controls=controls”). – Two source elements: – `` with “type=audio/mpeg” and a URL to an MP3 audio file hosted on Amazon S3. – Alternate media URL for compatibility in case the MP3 source is unavailable. 2. Text Content: – Two paragraphs of text: – First paragraph introduces Douglas County Dirt Commissioner Mike Winters as the host of a weekly lawn and garden program. – Second paragraph includes an image of the KQEN logo with alt text “KQEN Logo”. 3. Image Elements: – `` element with the KQEN logo image, set to load with high priority and given a specific height and width. 4. Styles: – Two `


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