Biden spoke to Trump, White House official says

President Biden Reaches Out to Former President Trump and OthersPresident Biden Reaches Out to Former President Trump and Others Washington, July 14, 2024: President Joe Biden engaged in conversations with former President Donald Trump, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, and Butler Mayor Bob Dandoy on Saturday, according to an official statement released by the White House. The nature of these discussions remains undisclosed, but the interactions highlight President Biden’s willingness to seek engagement across political divides. This outreach reflects a departure from the divisive rhetoric that often characterized Trump’s presidency. The statement also mentioned that President Biden held conversations with both Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro and Butler Mayor Dandoy. The specific topics discussed during these exchanges were not disclosed. Pennsylvania has been a key battleground state in recent presidential elections, and Governor Shapiro is a rising star in the Democratic Party. Butler, meanwhile, is a small city in Pennsylvania that has faced economic challenges in recent years. The outreach to Trump, Shapiro, and Dandoy signals a shift in tone and approach under President Biden. By engaging with both political adversaries and local leaders, Biden aims to foster unity and address the pressing issues facing the nation.

Washington: President Joe Biden spoke with former President Donald Trump on Saturday, a White House official said. Biden also spoke with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Butler Mayor Bob Dandoy, the official said.

Published July 14, 2024, 03:07 IST


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