Sanctions against Iran: Impact of sanctions on the health sector – CGTN

Sanctions against Iran: Impact on HealthcareSanctions against Iran: Impact on Healthcare Sanctions imposed on Iran by various countries have had far-reaching effects on its health sector, jeopardizing the well-being of its citizens. Blocked Medical Supplies: * Sanctions prohibit or restrict the import of critical medical equipment, medicines, and vaccines. * Cancer patients face shortages of chemotherapy drugs, while diabetics struggle to access insulin and testing supplies. * Children are particularly vulnerable, as sanctions limit access to essential vaccines and antibiotics. Economic Hardships: * Sanctions have crippled Iran’s economy, leading to inflation and a decline in living standards. * Hospitals and clinics face financial difficulties, struggling to pay for staff, maintenance, and medical supplies. * Patients are forced to pay exorbitant costs for private healthcare, putting a heavy burden on families. Scientific and Technical Isolation: * Sanctions limit Iran’s ability to collaborate with international medical institutions and researchers. * Iranian doctors are unable to attend conferences or access up-to-date scientific literature. * This isolation hinders the advancement of medical knowledge and innovation in Iran. Mental Health Effects: * Economic hardships and political uncertainty have taken a toll on the mental health of Iranians. * Sanctions contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. * Access to mental health services is limited due to a lack of resources. Specific Cases: * In 2020, a 33-year-old Iranian woman with leukemia died after being denied access to chemotherapy drugs due to sanctions. * A 6-year-old Iranian boy with spinal muscular atrophy is struggling to receive treatment due to a lack of available medicine. * Hospitals in Iran have reported shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), putting healthcare workers at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Sanctions against Iran have had severe consequences for the country’s health sector, impacting the lives of ordinary Iranians. From blocked medical supplies to economic hardships and scientific isolation, the full extent of the damage is yet to be realized. It is imperative that international efforts be made to ensure access to essential healthcare and lift the sanctions that are harming innocent civilians.

Sanctions against Iran: Impact of sanctions on the health sectorCGTN


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