A day in the life of a development manager

Philipp Weiler: Passionate Development Manager at ADMPhilipp Weiler: Passionate Development Manager at ADM Philipp Weiler, Development Manager at ADM in Berlin, Germany, embodies the passion and innovation that drives the food and beverage industry. With a background in nutrition and food science, combined with hands-on culinary experience, Philipp brings a unique perspective to his role. Inspiration and Motivations: Philipp’s culinary journey began in his grandparents’ kitchen, where the magic of food ignited a lifelong passion. The desire to create similar moments of happiness for others fueled his decision to study food and nutrition. Today, he finds joy in developing innovative food products that bring joy to the table. Role and Responsibilities: As a Development Manager, Philipp acts as a catalyst for his clients, inspiring them to develop products using ADM’s portfolio. He fosters collaboration between departments, bringing together expertise in plant-based alternatives, flavors, and technology. His role extends into the kitchen, where he experiments with novel concepts such as 3D food printing and savory ingredient combinations. Atypical Workday: No two days are the same for Philipp. His work revolves around interactions with customers and colleagues, whether it’s brainstorming groundbreaking products or refining internal projects. He thrives on the dynamic and collaborative environment, where ideas flow freely and every challenge presents an opportunity for innovation. Career Path to Success: Philipp’s passion for food has guided his career trajectory. From internships at Michelin-starred restaurants to founding a start-up that reinvented ice cream production, he has gained invaluable knowledge and experience. His understanding of brand building, market positioning, and customer needs has been instrumental in his success at ADM. Personal Passions: When not in the kitchen or the office, Philipp finds solace in playing with his daughter. Her critical feedback on his culinary creations brings a smile to his face and reminds him of the joy food can bring. Favorite Aspects of the Food Sector: Philipp is drawn to the industry’s dynamism and complexity. The constant demand for innovative solutions keeps him on his toes, while the diversity of challenges keeps his mind engaged. He believes that openness to new flavors and technologies is crucial for the future of food. Aspirations for the Industry: Philipp envisions ADM as a global leader in food development. He aspires to establish the company as a destination for innovative technology and a trusted resource for food and beverage companies seeking to disrupt the industry.


Philipp Weiler



Job title

Development Manager

Company and location

ADM in Berlin, Germany


B.Sc. in Nutrition and Food Science, and M.Ed. in Nutrition and Food Sciences from the Technische Universität Berlin.

Favorite food/drink

For me it’s about the combination of flavors and not about a specific food or drink. Blackberry and mint, cacao fruit and matcha, mango and calamansi, and octopus and salsiccia are some of my favorites.

What inspired you to study F&B?

It all started with the happiness I experienced growing up when my grandparents cooked for me during the holidays. It created a kind of “magical moment” that you can only get with food. Ever since, I’ve longed to create similar magical moments for myself, for dinner parties, and now, for my clients through my work at ADM. It’s a special way to make people happy.

Tell us about your role

My first task is to act as a catalyst and source of inspiration for my clients. Together we develop products using the ADM portfolio. I then encourage collaboration between departments at ADM. From the plant-based team, to the flavor team, to science and technology, we work together to pioneer innovative food developments and possibilities.

I like to say that the doors to the kitchen are always open. There we always play with new concepts, such as three-dimensional (3D) food printing or new savory ingredients and dishes. These ideas require the input of many so that they end up on the supermarket shelves.

What does a typical day look like?

Every day is different, but usually it’s all about interaction. Interaction with customers. Interaction with colleagues. Whether we’re creating a first-mover product with a customer or an internal project we’re bringing to the customer, it’s all about interacting until everything clicks into place.

How did you get to where you are now?

Passion, passion and passion. I started my career with an internship in 2005 at the Kempinski Hotel in Berlin, where I was trained in the classic French technique. From there I worked with several Michelin-starred chefs and learned everything from plate design to molecular gastronomy. Eventually I realized that I was interested in the theory of food. So in 2013 I started studying food and nutrition.

While studying at university, I founded a start-up with a business partner to reinvent how ice creams are made using liquid nitrogen. We built a machine and patented the processes to speed up production. During this period I understood the important role chefs can play in product development.

I learned how to build a brand through storytelling and how to position that brand in the market. I also learned the importance of having conversations with our customers to really understand what their needs are. I brought this knowledge to ADM to support and pave the way for the future in the food landscape.

What cheers you up when you have a bad day?

Playing with my daughter always brightens up my day. She is also my toughest critic in the kitchen. It is a competition between her school food and my food to see which is better. She always puts a smile on my face and brings so much joy into my life!

What is your favorite part of the food sector?

I love the dynamics and complexity of it. Customers are demanding solutions fast and we have to be prepared to deliver them. And it’s a different challenge every day. One day you could be working on a plant-based sausage alternative, the next week you could be formulating plant-based shrimp or a salmon alternative with a skin that is close in texture to the traditional gold standard offering.

During my time in the kitchen I learned how to be fast. You then have a menu, but then your customer wants something special and you have to respond quickly. Here at ADM it’s much the same.

If you could change one thing about the hospitality industry, what would it be?

I would like to see more openness to new things. In Central Europe, the best ice cream flavors are vanilla and strawberry. I would like to see consumers become more adventurous with flavors like you see in the Asian markets. We are definitely getting there in Europe with niche and emerging opportunities for exploratory flavors, but there is room to grow. I would also like to see more openness to new technologies, like 3D food printing or bioprinting. Technologies like these are important for the future of food.

What is the future for you/what is the dream?

What I really want is for ADM to continue to lead as a go-to destination for food development. I want us to be seen for our breakthrough technology and as a resource that can help food and beverage companies – no matter where they are in the process and what they want to achieve.


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