Feed Your Fitness – Harvard Health

Barbara, a woman in her forties, faced an issue during her marathon training. While she alternated hard runs with easier jogs, she found the shorter runs to be surprisingly taxing. Seeking advice, she consulted Mary Ellen Kelly, a registered dietitian at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.Barbara, a woman in her forties, faced an issue during her marathon training. While she alternated hard runs with easier jogs, she found the shorter runs to be surprisingly taxing. Seeking advice, she consulted Mary Ellen Kelly, a registered dietitian at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Kelly discovered that Barbara skipped eating after her workouts to aid in weight loss. However, this strategy deprived her body of essential energy and protein, hindering her muscle recovery and performance. Kelly emphasized that women require different post-workout fueling strategies compared to men. Women should aim to refuel within 30 to 45 minutes, while men have a three-hour window. Ignoring this timeframe can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and muscle pain. Dr. Beth Frates, director of lifestyle medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, attributes this distinction to hormonal differences. Progesterone in women promotes muscle breakdown after exercise, making it crucial to replenish protein promptly. During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, women may also crave more carbohydrates. To support recovery, women should aim for 70 grams of protein throughout the day, including 20 grams within 45 minutes after exercising. This can be obtained through various protein-rich foods such as Greek yogurt, chicken, or protein shakes. Despite following a fat loss plan, Barbara was advised to be strategic about her calorie intake. By adjusting her portions and limiting alcohol, she could meet her weight loss goals while prioritizing post-workout fueling. Kelly highlights that light workouts may not require the same level of attention to fuel intake, but intense workouts aimed at weight loss should be accompanied by a mindful approach to nutrition.

photo of a mature woman drinking a protein shake through a straw in her kitchen

Barbara was training diligently for a marathon, alternating hard runs of an hour or two with easier jogs, meant to give her muscles a break. But the forty-something woman couldn’t figure out why those short bursts were as taxing as the longer treks, leaving her sore and exhausted.

The pieces came together when Barbara met Mary Ellen Kelly, a registered dietitian at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. To promote fat loss, Barbara confessed, she typically didn’t eat after her workouts. But the zero-fueling strategy meant she sacrificed the strength and endurance she needed to train effectively.

“Those long runs took so much out of her that the shorter runs became incredibly tough because she was functioning on such an energy and protein deficit,” says Kelly.

Barbara’s example highlights a dramatic distinction between the sexes: after exercise, our bodies require a completely different approach to replace what has been lost and promote muscle repair and growth. Women should ideally refuel within 30 to 45 minutes after a workout, while men have up to three hours to accomplish the same task. Constantly ignoring this need can lead to symptoms of low energy availability, such as fatigue and muscle pain.

As Barbara learned, “it’s very difficult for the body to recover optimally when we’re chronically deprived of nutrition,” says Kelly.

Hormonal drivers

For both women and men, exercise is the best form of stress relief because it increases our heart rate and makes our muscles work harder. But it requires that we nourish ourselves well to overcome that stress.

That’s where the similarities end, though. Why is a woman’s refueling time so much shorter? Hormonal variations between the sexes are at the root of the difference, says Dr. Beth Frates, director of lifestyle medicine and wellness in the Department of Surgery at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

Progesterone is a primary driver that exacerbates post-exercise muscle breakdown in women. This outcome is greater for women who are peri- and postmenopausal. If they allow their muscles to remain in a breakdown state without replenishing them with protein—and if they only consume protein at the beginning and end of the day—they are more likely to feel lethargic, stiff, and unable to exercise at their peak.

“Women need to get protein more quickly to counteract this breakdown,” Dr. Frates said.

During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the week or so before menstruation begins, women may also want to eat more carbohydrates and eat more.

“If you’re feeling a little hungrier, it’s not in your head; your body actually needs it,” says Kelly. “By taking your cycle into account, listening to your hunger signals and eating that little bit extra, you can support your training.”

Protein packaging strategies

Try to consume at least 70 grams of protein during the day so that you start your workout well rested. “That means your muscles are replenished and hydrated and ready to exercise,” says Kelly.

After exercising, you should consume about 20 grams of protein within 45 minutes, combining this with carbohydrates if you don’t plan on eating again for an hour or two.

High-protein food choices include:

  • a cup of Greek yogurt
  • 3 ounces of chicken, turkey, salmon or steak
  • a scoop of whey protein powder
  • a ready-made protein shake.

Even a large glass of chocolate milk can provide the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and electrolytes that muscles need after exercise, says Kelly.

If, like Barbara, you’re aiming for fat loss through exercise, you can still achieve your goal and refuel afterward. Just be strategic so you don’t sacrifice muscle, Kelly says. How? Aim for a calorie deficit at other times of the day, not after your workouts. Kelly recommends watching your portions and limiting your alcohol intake.

“If someone is doing a light workout, such as a walk or 20 or 30 minutes on an elliptical, the principles of intentional fueling probably don’t need to be applied,” she says. “But if your workout is intense and your ultimate goal is weight loss, pay attention to your overall fuel patterns.”

Image: © Mike Kemp/Getty Images


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