Panicked Mnangagwa administration vows to crush protests – ZimEye

The provided HTML code contains a warning issued by the Mnangagwa government of Zimbabwe regarding potential protests and disruptions to public order.The provided HTML code contains a warning issued by the Mnangagwa government of Zimbabwe regarding potential protests and disruptions to public order. The government, through the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting, has condemned “criminal and opportunistic elements” for attempting to sow chaos and despondency. They have vowed to take strict measures against anyone who undermines the rule of law and causes unrest. The government emphasizes its commitment to national security and maintaining law and order, assuring citizens that law enforcement agencies will arrest and prosecute those responsible for causing chaos or undermining the justice system. They urge the public not to be misled by the tactics of those seeking attention and political gains by disrupting the peace. The code also includes mention of extra vigilance by law enforcement agencies and media coverage of the government’s stance on the matter. It concludes with a message assuring the public of the government’s commitment to protecting the nation and its citizens while maintaining stability and adherence to the rule of law.

Panicked Mnangagwa government promises to crack down on protests

THE GOVERNMENT has issued a stern warning to malcontents intent on disrupting public order.

At a press conference in Harare on Friday, the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting, Dr Jenfan Muswere, who is also the Acting Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, criticised criminal and opportunistic elements for trying to sow anarchy and despondency in the country.

“The government has observed attempts to foment anarchy and despondency by some criminal and opportunistic elements in the opposition, some politicians and some civil society organisations (CSOs). This is in line with their well-documented modus operandi of seeking attention and raising funds to try and revive their political careers by subverting the will of the people. We, therefore, as a government, warn the perpetrators of these serially choreographed theatrics who are engaged in subversive activities aimed at undermining the rule of law that their days are numbered and their lawless plans will never see the light of day,” he said.

The government also reaffirmed its commitment to national security and the maintenance of the rule of law.

“The government reaffirms its commitment to protecting the nation and its citizens by ensuring that law and order prevail. Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to arrest anyone who undermines the justice system by causing chaos and mayhem. Finally, the government assures the public that the security forces have sufficient capacity to maintain law and order in terms of the constitutional mandate.”

It also emerged that law enforcement agencies are extra alert to arrest dissatisfied people who undermine the justice system by causing chaos.

State media


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