Antivenom of Russell’s Viper available in hospitals: Samanta

Antivenom for Russell’s Viper Available in Hospitals: Minister SamantaAntivenom for Russell’s Viper Available in Hospitals: Minister Samanta DHAKA, June 27, 2024 (BSS) – Health Minister Dr. Samanta Lal Sen has assured that sufficient quantities of anti-venom are available in all public hospitals to treat victims bitten by Russell’s Viper, the highly venomous snake. “The most crucial aspect is to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a snakebite. Timely medical intervention can completely cure snakebite victims through proper treatment,” he emphasized at a seminar held in Dhaka. The seminar, titled “Russell’s Viper: Fear versus Facts,” was organized by the Bangladesh Society of Medicine. State Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr. Rokeya Sultana, BSMMU Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Deen Md Nurul Haque, and Secretary General of Bangladesh Society of Medicine Dr. Ahmedul Kabir were among the speakers. The Health Minister urged people to refrain from spreading misinformation and rumors about the treatment centers for Russell’s Viper victims. “We are dedicated to ensuring adequate treatment facilities and educating the public about this snake. With the concerted efforts of all relevant organizations, we hope to eliminate the panic surrounding Russell’s Viper,” he said. He instructed all public hospitals to maintain sufficient anti-venom supplies for Russell’s Viper bites. Minister Sen also stressed the importance of launching a comprehensive public awareness campaign to educate people about the appropriate steps to take in the event of a snakebite. The seminar highlighted the need for a collective response to address the issue of snakebites in the country. Participants called for increased collaboration between medical professionals, government agencies, and community organizations to improve treatment and prevention measures.

Antivenom of Russell’s Viper available in hospitals: Samanta

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DHAKA, June 27, 2024 (BSS) – Minister of Health Dr. Samanta Lal Sen today said that sufficient quantities of anti-venom are available in all public hospitals to treat victims bitten by Russell’s Viper, the highly venomous snake.

“The most important task is to get snakebite victims to a doctor as soon as possible… timely medical intervention can completely cure snakebite victims through proper treatment,” he told a seminar.

The Bangladesh Society of Medicine organized the seminar titled “Russell’s Viper: Fear versus Facts” at the Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Convention Hall, an official press release said.

State Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr. Rokeya Sultana, BSMMU Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Deen Md Nurul Haque and Secretary General of Bangladesh Society of Medicine Dr. Ahmedul Kabir among others addressed the seminar with Director General of Health Directorate Prof. Dr. Tito Mian in the chair.

The Health Minister urged everyone not to spread untruths and misleading information about the treatment centers of Russell’s Viper victims.

“We are working sincerely to ensure treatment facilities for Russell’s Viper victims, besides providing good knowledge about the snake. I hope that the panic-like situation over Russell’s Viper will no longer arise in the country as all relevant organizations work together in a coordinated manner,” he added.

He asked the authorities of all public hospitals to ensure adequate anti-venom for Russell’s Viper bites.

The minister emphasized on launching a massive public awareness campaign to take appropriate steps to save the lives of Russell’s Viper victims.



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