Republicans in the House of Representatives hijack the process to approve the toilet ban

In a controversial move, Ohio Republicans maneuvered to push through HB 183, an anti-LGBTQ+ bill targeting transgender students, by linking it to another bill during a late-night meeting.In a controversial move, Ohio Republicans maneuvered to push through HB 183, an anti-LGBTQ+ bill targeting transgender students, by linking it to another bill during a late-night meeting. HB 183, dubbed the “Protect All Students Act,” prohibits transgender students in Ohio schools from using restrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their gender identity. It also bans colleges from offering gender-neutral facilities. House Republicans bypassed the typical legislative process by adding HB 183 as an amendment to SB 104, a bill related to the College Credit Plus Program. This allowed the bill to bypass Senate committee hearings and move directly to a vote in the House. The amendment passed by a vote of 60-31. Democrats strongly opposed the measure, arguing that it was an unnecessary attack on transgender youth and that it did not address real issues facing Ohio’s students. House Minority Leader Allison Russo condemned the late-night vote and questioned the need for the bill. She highlighted the poverty and food insecurity faced by Ohio’s youth and accused Republicans of exploiting transgender children for political gain. Rep. Beth Liston criticized the bill for marginalizing transgender students and focusing on their physical attributes rather than their education. However, some Republicans, including Rep. Gary Click and Rep. Josh Williams, defended the bill, claiming that it protected the privacy of non-transgender students and argued that gender identity is immutable. The amended bill now moves to the Senate for approval before being sent to Governor Mike DeWine for his signature.

Nearly 12 hours after their meeting, Republicans in the Ohio House of Representatives linked an anti-LGBTQ+ bill to another bill to force a vote on text that had not gone through the normal legislative process.

Rep. Adam Bird (R-New Richmond) proposed amending a bill to amend the College Credit Plus Program (SB 104) to include HB 183, a bill that would ban transgender students from using in Ohio schools creating toilets and changing rooms for multiple people that match their gender identity.

Dubbed the “Protect All Students Act,” the bill applies to all educational institutions in Ohio, from preschools to universities, both public and private, despite only covering bathroom use. The bill would also prohibit all colleges from constructing, establishing, or maintaining a multi-occupancy facility designated as “non-gender, multi-gender, or open to all genders.”

The House passed the amended bill 60-31.

By amending a bill that originated in the Senate and had already been approved by that body, House Republicans bypassed the normal legislative process, in which HB 183 would have to be heard through Senate committee hearings. Now all the Senate needs to do is agree to the amended SB 104 to send the bathroom bill to Governor Mike DeWine for approval.

‘This is a made-up problem and you are targeting children’

House Minority Leader Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) said she had no intention of speaking out against the amendment, but she couldn’t sit still as Republicans bypassed the legislative process.

“It’s no surprise that in the middle of the night, when most people have already gone home and aren’t paying attention, we pass the worst bills for which this body is notorious,” Russo said.

Russo then outlined the issues facing Ohio’s youth, including poverty and food insecurity. She also disputed House Republicans’ testimony that they were approached by supervisors asking for the bathroom bill.

“Don’t tell me your school districts are begging for this,” Russo said. “Nonsense. They want to fill teacher positions. They want help funding bus services. They want help building safe learning environments. This is red meat. This doesn’t solve any problem at all. This is a made up problem and you’re focusing on children.”

Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) said she, too, had not planned to speak but did not realize the Legislature would “use the power of the state to bully transgender children and Ohioans.”

“We continue to focus on children’s genitals, rather than their upbringing, the original intent of (SB 104),” Liston said. “We should not marginalize children or adults who are different and that is what this bill does.”

Rep. Gary Click (R-Vickery) used the Democrats’ comment as an opportunity to attack the idea that trans children should be supported.

“The suicide rate is not because people are rejecting or discriminating against them,” Click said. “It’s because they were lied to. We need to stop lying to our children.”

Rep. Josh Williams (R-Sylvania Township) said he recently celebrated his 40th birthday and has learned three truths in his 40 years.

“One day I’m going to die,” Williams said. “I will always pay taxes. And boys can never become girls. That’s why boys are not allowed to sit in the girls’ locker rooms.”

When the amended bill was passed, Republicans applauded loudly. 🔥


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