Sarawak Housing Tribunal orders developers in Sibu to pay for late completion

Sarawak Tribunal Orders Developers to Compensate Buyers for Late Property DeliverySarawak Tribunal Orders Developers to Compensate Buyers for Late Property Delivery The Sarawak Housing Buyer Claims Tribunal has ordered two developers to compensate two homebuyers a total of RM57,193.74 for the late delivery of their properties. The Tribunal’s chairman, Datuk Maznah Dasmi, awarded the highest claim of RM51,250.68 to Chan and Tong. Cahayawati, the other homebuyer, received RM5,943.06. The Tribunal deducted the exemption period granted to housing developers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government temporarily allowed developers to extend the scheduled completion dates without penalty during three periods between March 18, 2020, and March 17, 2022. However, another claimant, Dayang, did not receive any compensation despite a delay in the transfer of her property. This was because the developer was entitled to 730 days of exemption, which exceeded the 711 days of delay claimed by Dayang. Two other claimants, Ngu and Leong, requested only the repair of defects on their properties. The developer agreed to rectify the defects to the required standard. Alhadi Ibrahim and Robert Elone Sireng were also present at the Tribunal hearings.

SIBU, June 27 — The Sarawak Housing Buyer Claims Tribunal yesterday ordered two developers to pay two homebuyers a total of RM57,193.74 for late delivery of properties.



Tribunal chairman Datuk Maznah Dasmi said the highest claim of RM51,250.68 was awarded to Chan and Tong, while the other homebuyer, Cahayawati, received RM5,943.06.

The awards were granted after deducting the exemption period for housing developers under the Temporary measures to reduce the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) (expansion of operations) decision.

Maznah said the government provided temporary relief to the construction industry three times due to the Covid-19 pandemic, between March 18, 2020 and March 17, 2022, allowing the developer to extend the scheduled completion date without penalty.

“During these periods, the developer must obtain approval from the housing and local government sectors and obtain an Extension of Time (EoT) certificate,” she said.

As a result of this relief, another claimant, Dayang, was awarded nothing despite a delay in the transfer of property to her.

“Dayang filed a claim for 711 days late delivery, but the developer was entitled to 730 days of such relief at that time. As a result, she unfortunately did not receive any sen,” Maznah said.

She added that other claimants, Ngu and Leong, only wanted all defects on their properties repaired.

“The developer had promised to rectify all defects to the required standard.”

Alhadi Ibrahim and Robert Elone Sireng were also present at the Tribunal hearings. – The Borneo Post


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