Midlands is facing temperatures of 100 degrees this week. Here’s how hot

Brace Yourself for Soaring TemperaturesBrace Yourself for Soaring Temperatures Prepare for extreme heat as the Midlands braces for temperatures reaching 100 degrees or higher starting Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service in Columbia. Record Breaking Heat Predicted Columbia is expected to face particularly brutal conditions, with temperatures forecast to climb to 102 degrees on Wednesday. The heat index, factoring in humidity, could reach an alarming 109 degrees. Health Risks and Precautions Extreme heat can lead to heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke. Symptoms include high body temperature (103°F or higher), hot and red skin, rapid pulse, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and loss of consciousness. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately and move to a cooler place. Beat the Heat Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours. Wear loose, breathable clothing and use air conditioning or fans indoors. Energy Efficiency Tips * Set your air conditioner to 78 degrees. * Use ceiling fans to circulate cool air. * Replace dirty air filters monthly. * Check ducts regularly for leaks. * Have your HVAC system serviced annually. * Insulate your attic to at least R-38. * Caulk and weather strip around openings. Dominion Energy Tips for Saving Money * Install a door sweep to seal gaps. * Check your ducts for leaks. * Upgrade your attic insulation. About the Author Patrick McCreless, Journalism Editor at The State, writes about trending news and topics that inform readers about their communities.

Marian Vejcik/Dreamstime


Brace yourself.

It’s about to be a burner.

The 90-degree temperatures the Midlands has endured in recent days were just the beginning. According to the National Weather Service in Columbia, temperatures are expected to reach 100 degrees starting Wednesday and even exceed 100 degrees.

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The heat in Columbia is predicted to be particularly brutal. As of Tuesday evening, thermometers in Soda City were forecast to rise to 102 degrees on Wednesday. Even more disturbing, the heat index is expected to reach an eye-watering 109 degrees.

If you plan to go outside at all in Columbia on Wednesday, make sure you drink plenty of water.

The Midlands and Columbia are also forecast to see temperatures of up to 100 degrees for much of the rest of the week. However, some possible rain showers on Friday and Saturday could cause top temperatures to drop to high degrees Celsius.

How to save on cooling costs

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your air conditioner to 78 degrees in the summer. The idea is that for every degree above 78 degrees, you will save 10% on your energy bill. Otherwise, you spend 10% for every degree you go below 78 degrees.

Stay comfortable

Carolina Comfort Inc., a Columbia-based HVAC company, notes that 78 degrees can still be stuffy, especially in places like the Midlands because of the high humidity.

“This is because the heating and cooling system simply will not run long enough to bring the humidity in the home below 50% relative humidity, which is ideal for most people,” according to the company’s website.

To combat that feeling, the company suggests using ceiling fans as well.

“By running the ceiling fans in your home, you move the cool air; also, the air movement will help eliminate hot and cold spots that may be present in the home,” the website says.

Energy saving tips

Dominion Energy has several tips to help South Carolina residents save money on their energy bills this summer.

  • Check the air filters monthly and replace them if they are dirty
  • Check your ducts regularly for leaks or cracks
  • Have your central heating and cooling system serviced annually
  • Upgrade your attic insulation to at least R-38 (12-14 inches)
  • Caulk, caulk and weather strip around all seams, cracks and openings
  • Install a door sweep to seal the gap between the bottom of your door and the threshold

Symptoms of heat stroke

  • High body temperature (103°F or higher)
  • Hot, red, dry or moist skin
  • Rapid, powerful pulse
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Losing consciousness (fainting)

What must we do

  • Call 911 immediately; heat stroke is a medical emergency
  • Move the person to a cooler place
  • Help lower the person’s temperature with cool cloths or a cool bath
  • Do not give the person anything to drink

Profile image of Patrick McCreless

Patrick McCreless is the journalism editor for The State, where he and a team of reporters write about the day’s trending news and topics that help readers in their daily lives and better inform them about their communities. He attended Jacksonville State University in Alabama and grew up in Tuscaloosa, AL.



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