Canadian family sues Catholic hospital for refusing to practice physician-assisted death

Lawsuit Challenges Refusal of Assisted Death at Catholic HospitalLawsuit Challenges Refusal of Assisted Death at Catholic Hospital A family is suing a Catholic hospital for refusing to provide assisted death to their terminally ill daughter. 34-year-old Sam O’Neill was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2023, causing her excruciating pain. She sought medical assistance in dying (MAiD) but was denied by St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, which is run by the Catholic Church. The Church opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide, believing that all human life is sacred. O’Neill was transferred to a hospice in Vancouver, where she later died via MAiD while sedated. The lawsuit alleges that the hospital, by adhering to its religious beliefs, denied O’Neill a dignified death. It also claims that the forced transfer caused her additional suffering and prevented her from saying goodbye to her family. O’Neill’s parents argue that religious exemption laws should be challenged to prevent the forced transfer of patients seeking MAiD. Dr. Jyothi Jayaraman, O’Neill’s doctor, is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit. She claims that her rights were violated because she was prevented from assisting in MAiD as an employee of the Catholic hospital. The idea that assisted death is a peaceful or dignified process is disputed. Studies have shown that some patients may experience prolonged suffering and complications, including drowning while paralyzed. Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition plans to intervene in the case. The lawsuit raises questions about the balance between religious freedom and the rights of patients seeking end-of-life care.

The family of a woman who was denied assisted death at a Catholic hospital in Canada is now suing the hospital for refusing to kill their daughter.

According to CTV News, 34-year-old Sam O’Neill sought medical aid in dying (MAiD) in 2023 after a cervical cancer diagnosis caused her excruciating pain. O’Neill received palliative care at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, but was told the hospital would not offer MAiD because it was a Catholic-run facility; the Catholic Church is against euthanasia and assisted suicide. O’Neill was later transferred to a hospice in Vancouver, where she suffered a MAiD death, although she was sedated at the time and did not wake up to say goodbye to her family.

The lawsuit alleges that the Catholic hospital, because it adhered to its belief in the dignity of human life, denied O’Neill a “death with dignity.”

“Although Ms. O’Neill was ultimately granted access to MAID, the circumstances surrounding the forced transfer and Ms. O’Neill’s access to MAID caused and exacerbated Ms. O’Neill’s egregious physical and psychological suffering and denied her a dignified death. , including the opportunity to say goodbye to her family and loved ones,” the lawsuit reads.

O’Neill’s parents, Jim and Gaye O’Neill, say the lawsuit aims to challenge religious exemption laws and stop the forced transfer of patients from facilities that refuse to perform euthanasia.

“It’s fine to have your freedom of religion, but we have the same right, and you can’t physically harm us to get your point across,” Jim O’Neill said.

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Another plaintiff in the case is Dr. Jyothi Jayaraman, Sam O’Neill’s doctor, who claims her rights were violated because she chose to work at a Catholic hospital and therefore could not facilitate the MAiD deaths.

“She was forced to choose between being discharged or continuing her work in palliative care and participating in forced transfers,” the lawsuit reads. “She chose to resign because she could not serve her patients in the professional and ethical manner she felt it was her duty to do.”

The idea that dying by euthanasia or assisted suicide is peaceful or dignified is a common misconception. Instead, the person may end up drowning while paralyzed. a study the medical journal Anesthesia found that a third of patients took 30 hours to die, while four percent took seven days to die. Live Action News has reported on the disturbing reality of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which is rarely discussed.

Alex Schadenberg, international chairman of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, has said his organization is investigating the matter and will apply to intervene.

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