Elton John AIDS Foundation Launches ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ Campaign to End LGBTQAI+ Discrimination

Elton John AIDS Foundation Launches ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ Campaign to End LGBTQAI+ Discrimination

London, UK –

The Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) has unveiled its latest initiative, “Speak Up Sing Out,” a powerful campaign that aims to eradicate discrimination and stigma against the LGBTQAI+ community. The campaign is a global collaboration between EJAF and renowned artist and activist, Elton John. It seeks to raise awareness about the pervasive discrimination faced by LGBTQAI+ individuals worldwide and mobilize support for their equal rights and dignity. “Speak Up Sing Out” is a multifaceted campaign that includes: *

Public Service Announcements (PSAs):

Featuring Elton John and other influential figures, the PSAs will highlight the experiences of LGBTQAI+ individuals and the importance of allyship. *

Social Media Outreach:

The campaign will leverage social media platforms to amplify the voices of LGBTQAI+ individuals and facilitate dialogue around discrimination. *

Educational Resources:

EJAF will develop and distribute educational resources to schools, workplaces, and community groups to promote understanding and inclusivity. *

Advocacy and Policy Change:

The foundation will engage with policymakers and advocacy groups to advocate for legal protections and social justice for LGBTQAI+ people. “Discrimination against LGBTQAI+ people is unacceptable and unjust,” said Elton John. “With ‘Speak Up Sing Out,’ we aim to create a world where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is treated with respect, dignity, and equality.” The launch of the campaign coincides with the 40th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS. EJAF acknowledges that HIV/AIDS continues to disproportionately affect LGBTQAI+ communities due to stigma and discrimination. “Ending HIV/AIDS requires ending the underlying discrimination and prejudice that perpetuate its spread,” said Matthew Hodson, CEO of EJAF. “We believe that ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ can play a vital role in creating a more just and equitable society for all.” The campaign calls upon individuals and organizations to join the fight against LGBTQAI+ discrimination. By speaking up, singing out, and supporting the campaign, people can contribute to a future where everyone has the opportunity to live authentically and free from prejudice. For more information about the “Speak Up Sing Out” campaign, please visit the Elton John AIDS Foundation website at www.ejaf.org.

Elton John AIDS Foundation Launches ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ Campaign to End LGBTQAI+ Discrimination

The Elton John AIDS Foundation has launched a new global campaign called ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ to end LGBTQAI+ discrimination. The campaign aims to challenge prejudice and discrimination against LGBTQAI+ people and promote their human rights. It will focus on three key areas: *


Raising awareness about the impact of discrimination on LGBTQAI+ people and providing resources to support them. *


Campaigning for laws and policies that protect LGBTQAI+ rights. *


Providing LGBTQAI+ people with the tools and support they need to live their lives authentically and free from discrimination. The campaign was launched on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2023, with a global virtual event featuring Elton John, the President of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, and other prominent LGBTQAI+ activists and allies. “Discrimination against LGBTQAI+ people is a global pandemic that must end,” said Elton John. “The ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ campaign will shine a spotlight on this injustice and demand that everyone has the right to live free from fear of persecution.” The campaign will be implemented in partnership with organizations around the world, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, UNAIDS, and the Human Rights Campaign. For more information on the ‘Speak Up Sing Out’ campaign, please visit www.eltonjohnaidsfoundation.org/speakup.


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