Newsflash: We Want Your Input on the Future of the Turner Free Library

Newsflash: We Want Your Input on the Future of the Turner Free Library

Dear Turner Free Library Community,

As we embark on a new chapter in our library’s history, we are eager to gather your feedback and ideas on how we can best meet the evolving needs of our patrons. Your input will be invaluable as we shape the future of the library.

Survey Available

We have created an online survey to collect your insights and preferences. The survey covers a wide range of topics, including: * Your current use of the library’s services and resources * Your desired future services and programming * Your priorities for the library’s physical spaces * Your vision for the library as a community hub

How to Participate

To participate in the survey, please visit the following link: [Survey Link] The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your answers will remain anonymous and will be used solely to inform our planning process.


The survey will be open for responses until

[Insert Deadline]

In-Person Feedback Sessions

In addition to the online survey, we will be hosting a series of in-person feedback sessions at the library. These sessions will provide an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and engage in a dialogue with library staff. * Session 1:

[Date and Time]

* Session 2:

[Date and Time]

* Session 3:

[Date and Time]

Please register for an in-person session by contacting us at [Contact Information].

Your Involvement Matters

Your participation in this process is crucial. Your feedback will help us ensure that the Turner Free Library continues to be a vibrant and essential part of our community for generations to come. Thank you for your support and involvement.


The Turner Free Library Staff

Newsflash • We want your input on the ser. from Turner Free Library. The Turner Free Library is seeking your input on the services and resources we provide. Your feedback will help us to better meet the needs of our community. Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey. The survey is available in English and Spanish. The survey will close on February 28, 2023. Thank you for your time and input.


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