How Hong Kong Can Help Build a Digital Asset Policy in the Mainland

How Hong Kong Can Help Build a Digital Asset Policy in the Mainland


With its well-established financial and legal systems, Hong Kong is uniquely positioned to assist the mainland in developing a comprehensive digital asset policy. By leveraging its expertise and experience, the city can play a vital role in fostering innovation and protecting investors in the burgeoning digital asset market.

Leveraging Infrastructure and Expertise

Hong Kong boasts a sophisticated financial infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce with deep knowledge of digital assets. The city’s robust regulatory framework, including the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), provides a solid foundation for establishing clear rules and guidelines for digital asset trading and issuance.

Facilitating Cross-Border Cooperation

Hong Kong’s international status and strong ties with the mainland make it an ideal platform for facilitating cross-border cooperation on digital asset regulation. The city can serve as a bridge between mainland authorities and global industry players, fostering dialogue and alignment on best practices.

Developing a Regulatory Sandbox

Hong Kong can establish a regulatory sandbox that provides a controlled environment for innovative digital asset businesses to test and develop their products and services. This would allow startups and incumbents to experiment with new technologies, gather feedback, and refine their offerings before entering the wider market.

Encouraging Research and Training

Hong Kong’s universities and research institutions can play a crucial role in developing a knowledge base for digital asset regulation. By conducting research, offering training programs, and partnering with industry leaders, the city can foster a deeper understanding of the evolving digital asset landscape.

Specific Areas of Collaboration

1. Legislative Framework:

Hong Kong can provide guidance on drafting clear and comprehensive digital asset laws that strike a balance between innovation and investor protection.

2. Licensing and Registration:

The city can share its experience in developing a licensing regime for digital asset trading platforms and custodians, ensuring that exchanges operate with integrity and uphold high standards of compliance.

3. Investor Protection:

Hong Kong’s robust investor protection framework can be leveraged to protect mainland investors participating in digital asset markets.

4. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT):

Hong Kong’s expertise in AML/CFT can help the mainland combat illicit activities and ensure the integrity of digital asset transactions.

5. Taxation:

The city can provide insights on developing a fair and transparent tax regime for digital assets, addressing the challenges posed by their decentralized nature.


Hong Kong has the potential to become a global leader in digital asset policy development and regulation. By sharing its expertise, facilitating cross-border cooperation, and fostering innovation, the city can significantly contribute to the development of a sound digital asset ecosystem in the mainland. This collaboration will not only enhance investor confidence but also drive economic growth and establish a framework for the responsible adoption of digital assets in both jurisdictions.Hong Kong’s Crypto ETF Landscape and Its Impact on Mainland China

Hong Kong’s Crypto ETF Landscape and Its Impact on Mainland China

In 2022, Hong Kong established guidelines for crypto futures ETFs. Since then, several products, such as the CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF, have been introduced on the market.

Mainland Institutions Embrace Hong Kong’s VA Market

Hong Kong’s ambition to establish itself as a global virtual asset (VA) trading hub is enticing financial institutions from mainland China to launch innovative blockchain-based digital financial products in the city. This enhances Hong Kong’s standing and offers Beijing regulators an opportunity to monitor developments and shape onshore market policies.

First Wave of Spot VA ETFs Approved

In April, Hong Kong’s securities regulator granted approval to Harvest Global Investments, Bosera Asset Management, and China Asset Management to list the first spot VA ETFs investing in cryptocurrencies. Three of these funds are linked to Bitcoin, while the remaining three are linked to Ether.

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Hong Kong’s Role in Shaping Mainland China’s Digital Asset Policy

Hong Kong holds a unique position in the development of digital asset regulation in Mainland China, with its established financial infrastructure, regulatory expertise, and growing fintech ecosystem.

A Bridge for Regulatory Innovation

Hong Kong has been a testing ground for innovative financial technologies, including digital assets. Its proactive stance in licensing cryptocurrency exchanges and exploring digital asset regulation has attracted a large pool of industry players. This experience can provide valuable insights for the Mainland in crafting a comprehensive digital asset policy framework.

Expertise in Financial Regulation

Hong Kong’s financial regulators, including the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), have deep expertise in market oversight and enforcement. Their experience in regulating traditional financial markets can be applied to the emerging digital asset space, ensuring that regulatory frameworks are robust and effective.

Fostering Cooperation and Collaboration

Hong Kong can facilitate cooperation between Mainland regulators and the global financial community. Through its extensive international network and connections, Hong Kong can foster dialogue and exchange of best practices, ensuring that Mainland China’s digital asset policy aligns with international standards.

Driving Financial Inclusion

Digital assets have the potential to promote financial inclusion by providing access to financial services for underbanked populations. Hong Kong’s experience in developing a vibrant fintech ecosystem can help the Mainland leverage digital assets to reach underserved communities.

Challenges and Opportunities

While Hong Kong presents valuable opportunities, there are also challenges to address. Differences in regulatory approaches between the two jurisdictions need to be carefully navigated to ensure smooth cross-border transactions. Additionally, the rapid evolution of the digital asset landscape requires ongoing monitoring and regulatory flexibility.


Hong Kong can play a significant role in supporting Mainland China’s development of a sound digital asset policy framework. Its regulatory expertise, financial infrastructure, and extensive international connections position it as a key partner in shaping the future of digital finance in the region.In-depth%3A+How+Hong+Kong+can+help+build+a+digital+asset+policy+in+the+mainland


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