.ROSEN, Acknowledged Investor, Advocates for UnitedHealth Shareholder Support

.ROSEN, Acknowledged Investor, Advocates for UnitedHealth Shareholder Support

.ROSEN, a renowned law firm representing institutional and individual investors, has issued a public statement encouraging UnitedHealth (UNH) shareholders to support the proposals submitted by certain major investors. These proposals aim to strengthen corporate governance, enhance shareholder value, and address concerns raised by .ROSEN’s ongoing investigation into the company.

Key Proposals Endorsed by .ROSEN

.ROSEN supports the following three proposals submitted by shareholders: *

Independent Board Chair:

Establish an independent board chair to separate the roles of CEO and chairman, ensuring more effective oversight and accountability. *

Shareholder Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation:

Grant shareholders an advisory vote on executive compensation packages, fostering greater transparency and aligning executive pay with shareholder interests. *

Annual Reporting on Climate Change Impact:

Require UnitedHealth to provide annual reporting on the financial and operational risks and opportunities posed by climate change, empowering shareholders with crucial information.

Concerns Raised by .ROSEN’s Investigation

.ROSEN’s investigation has revealed potential areas of concern that necessitate immediate shareholder action: *

Overly Concentrated Power:

The dual role of CEO and chairman concentrates excessive power in the hands of one individual, potentially compromising oversight and accountability. *

Excessive Executive Compensation:

Executive compensation packages appear excessive relative to industry peers, raising concerns about alignment with shareholder interests. *

Climate Change Risk Disclosure:

UnitedHealth’s current disclosure on climate change risks lacks specificity and depth, leaving shareholders uninformed about potential financial and operational impacts.

Shareholder Support Critically Important

.ROSEN emphasizes the importance of shareholder support for these proposals. By voting in favor, shareholders can demonstrate their concerns about corporate governance, excessive executive compensation, and the need for greater transparency on climate change risks.

How to Vote

Shareholders are encouraged to vote “FOR” all three proposals on UnitedHealth’s proxy card. The deadline for voting is approaching, so timely action is crucial.

About .ROSEN

.ROSEN is a global investor rights law firm with a reputation for pursuing shareholder interests and achieving successful outcomes in complex legal matters. The firm has a team of experienced attorneys and a proven track record of representing investors in class actions, shareholder derivative suits, and securities litigation.

Contact Information

Investors with questions about the UnitedHealth proposals or .ROSEN’s ongoing investigation are encouraged to contact: Lauren Holwell, Esq. .ROSEN, PC Tel: (866) 996-4584 Email: [email protected]

Rosen, Law Firm Representing UnitedHealth Shareholders, Encourages Investors to Inquire About Securities Class Action Investigation

Rosen, a law firm that represents investors, is investigating potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (NYSE: UNH). The investigation focuses on whether UnitedHealth and certain of its officers and directors breached their fiduciary duties to the company and its shareholders in connection with the company’s proposed acquisition of Change Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHNG). On January 25, 2023, UnitedHealth announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Change Healthcare for approximately $13 billion. The transaction is expected to close in 2023, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals. If you have invested in UnitedHealth and would like to learn more about the investigation, contact Rosen at [email protected] or (212) 686-1060.ROSEN%2C+ACKNOWLEDGED+INVESTOR%2C+Encourages+UnitedHealth


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