Exploration Place Shares Drawing of Future Water Playground

Exploration Place Shares Drawing of Future Water Playground

Wichita, Kansas – Exploration Place, a science and technology learning center in Wichita, Kansas, has released a drawing of its planned water playground. The playground is scheduled to open in 2024 and will be part of the museum’s new “WaterWorks” exhibit. The water playground will feature a variety of interactive water features, including fountains, jets, and sprays. There will also be a splash pad, a water slide, and a lazy river. The playground will be designed to provide a fun and educational experience for children of all ages. “We’re excited to share this drawing of our future water playground,” said Exploration Place President and CEO Adam Woodworth. “This playground will be a great place for kids to learn about water and have some fun.” The WaterWorks exhibit will also include a number of other hands-on exhibits about water. These exhibits will teach children about the importance of water, the water cycle, and water conservation. “We believe that this exhibit will help children develop a lifelong appreciation for water,” said Woodworth. “We hope that it will inspire them to learn more about water and to make choices that protect this precious resource.” The WaterWorks exhibit is being funded by a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The exhibit is expected to open in 2024. Exploration Place is a non-profit science and technology learning center in Wichita, Kansas. The museum offers a variety of hands-on exhibits, programs, and events for children of all ages. For more information, visit www.explorationplace.org.

Exploration Place Shares Drawing of Future Water Playground

Wichita, Kansas – Exploration Place has released a drawing of its future water playground. The playground, which is scheduled to open in 2024, will be located on the north side of the museum. The playground will feature a variety of water features, including a splash pad, a lazy river, and a water slide. There will also be a sand play area and a picnic area. The playground is designed to be inclusive for children of all ages and abilities. There will be ramps and accessible features throughout the playground. The playground is part of Exploration Place’s ongoing expansion. The museum is also adding a new science and technology wing and a new planetarium. Exploration Place is a science and technology museum located in Wichita, Kansas. The museum is home to over 200 exhibits, including a planetarium, an aquarium, and a live animal exhibit. Exploration Place is a popular destination for families and school groups. The new water playground is expected to be a major attraction for Exploration Place. The playground will provide a fun and educational experience for children of all ages.


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