Westfield Woman’s Club raises funds for clubhouse renovation

Westfield Woman’s Club, located in a historic clubhouse at 28 Court Street, is embarking on a significant renovation project to preserve its century-old structure. The fundraising campaign aims to raise $250,000 for necessary repairs and upgrades to ensure the building’s longevity for another 100 years.Westfield Woman’s Club, located in a historic clubhouse at 28 Court Street, is embarking on a significant renovation project to preserve its century-old structure. The fundraising campaign aims to raise $250,000 for necessary repairs and upgrades to ensure the building’s longevity for another 100 years. The clubhouse, built in 1926, serves as a community hub, housing a kitchen, theater, and event rental spaces. Over the years, the building has experienced wear and tear, requiring attention to its roof, parapet, columns, staircase, heating system, and lighting. Additionally, the exterior requires repainting, including the removal and proper handling of lead paint. Club President Paula Godfrey emphasized the urgency of the renovations, particularly after a roof leak threatened the structural stability of the building. “There was a danger that if we didn’t take immediate action, the bathroom wall would collapse,” she said. Construction has commenced with Watson Construction Company addressing the roof, columns, and stairs. Fundraising efforts will continue throughout the project’s estimated five or six phases, which is expected to be completed in time for the sorority’s 100th anniversary in 2026. The club has already invested $50,000 and seeks an additional $200,000. They are soliciting donations, grants, and support from the community. Upcoming fundraising events include an open market, concerts, speakers, and a paranormal discussion. Donations can be made directly to the Westfield Woman’s Club at 28 Court Street, Westfield. As a 501(c)(3) organization, donations are tax-deductible. Design, construction, or repair companies are also welcome to donate their services. Interested individuals can contact the club through their website (westfieldwomansclub.com), Facebook (Westfield Woman’s Club), or Instagram (westfieldwomansclub). Alternatively, they can reach out to Club President Paula Godfrey by calling (520) 490-2229.

WESTFIELD — The Westfield Woman’s Club is raising money for $250,000 in renovations to its 100-year-old clubhouse at 28 Court Street. It’s one of two buildings dedicated specifically to women’s clubs in Massachusetts.

“You need a lot of maintenance on a building that’s 100 years old,” said club president Paula Godfrey. “We want it to last another 100 years.”

The building, built in 1926, houses a community kitchen and a theater, the latter of which is used by the Westfield Theatre Group, a chapter of the sorority. The building can be rented out for events such as the Harlot Queen performances, and the downstairs for smaller functions, dinners and parties, Godfrey said. Westfield High School has used the building when it couldn’t use its own stage, she said.

The roof, parapet, front columns and staircase all need to be addressed, she said, as do the theater’s heating system and lighting and sound systems. The exterior also needs to be painted, she said, which involves working with lead paint.

When asked why the renovations were necessary, Godfrey replied that a leak in the roof had caused a flood in the ladies’ restroom, which could have caused one of the walls to collapse.

“There was a danger that if we didn’t take immediate action on this leak, the bathroom wall would collapse,” she said. “The building is not in danger of collapsing, but the wall is.”

Construction began last week. Watson Construction Company is working on the roof, columns and stairs.

“It shouldn’t affect our fundraising or the use of our club,” Godrey said.

That work could continue into September, she said, with painting scheduled to take place next summer, depending on which painter gets the job. Construction will happen in about five or six phases, she said. She expects it to be finished in time for the sorority’s 100th anniversary in 2026.

The club has already spent $50,000 and needs another $200,000. Some of that money will come from their own resources, but they are also looking for donations and grants — they have already received two, one from Westfield Gas & Electric — and will be fundraising at their events.

Events include their annual open market, which takes place on Nov. 30, or Small Business Saturday, concerts, speakers and a “paranormal discussion” that takes place in October, Godfrey said. People can learn more about upcoming events at westfieldwomansclub.com.

Those interested can donate directly by sending a check to the Westfield Woman’s Club, 28 Court St., Westfield. The club is a 501(c)(3) organization, so donations are tax deductible. Godfrey also welcomes design, construction or repair companies to donate their services.

Anyone interested in donating can contact the Woman’s Club at westfieldwomansclub.com or through Facebook (Westfield Woman’s Club) or Instagram (westfieldwomansclub). They can also call Godrey at (520) 490-2229.

The post Westfield Woman’s Club raises funds for clubhouse renovation first appeared on Frugals ca.


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