Ryde driver urges passengers to wear seatbelts with handwritten note driver passenger seatbelt

Ryde Driver’s Heartfelt Plea: Wear Seatbelts to Spare FamilyRyde Driver’s Heartfelt Plea: Wear Seatbelts to Spare Family A Ryde driver has made a touching appeal to passengers, urging them to fasten their seatbelts. His handwritten note, posted on a Facebook group, has garnered support and empathy from many. Earnest Request for Compliance The driver’s plea is simple: “I earn $70 a day. If I get a fine from the traffic police, I can’t feed my family for two days.” He goes on to explain that he cannot afford to pay the S$150 fine if passengers are caught not wearing seatbelts in his vehicle. Legal Obligation and Personal Safety Under Singaporean law, drivers are responsible for ensuring that all passengers wear seatbelts. Failure to do so can result in a fine and demerit points. Seatbelts play a crucial role in reducing the risk of injuries and fatalities in the event of a collision. Drivers’ Frustrations and Passenger Safety The driver’s note sheds light on the frustrations faced by taxi and private transport drivers when passengers refuse to buckle up. Some users shared their experiences with passengers who believe wearing a seatbelt is optional in the backseat, leading to discussions and misunderstandings. Empathy and Support Many internet users have expressed sympathy for the driver and his family. They acknowledge that a fine could have a significant impact on his livelihood and that he is simply trying to do his job responsibly. Some have also pointed out that the driver may be the sole breadwinner for his family, making it even more essential for him to avoid fines. Passenger Responsibility and Consequences While it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure seatbelt compliance, passengers also have a responsibility to their own safety and the well-being of others in the vehicle. By wearing seatbelts, passengers not only protect themselves but also reduce the risk of causing harm to others.

Ryde driver urges passengers to wear seatbelts with handwritten note in car

Recently, a photo of a handwritten note spotted during a ride in Ryde was shared on the Facebook group Professional PHV Drivers Singapore.

The letter was in two parts and called on passengers to wear their seat belts and warned them of the consequences if they did not.

In addition to the usual reminder to wear your seat belt, the note also contained a heartfelt plea from the driver:

I earn $70 a day. If I get a fine from the traffic police, I can’t feed my family for two days.

The driver asked passengers to be understanding and warned them that they might cancel the ride if passengers did not comply with the rules.

Furthermore, the driver stated that he could not pay the S$150 fine if traffic officers caught passengers in his vehicle not wearing their seat belts.

Internet users feel involved with the driver

While many found the driver’s handwritten note funny, there were also quite a few users who supported the driver’s intentions.

Some also pointed out that the driver may have been the sole breadwinner of the family and that a fine could affect their livelihood.

Fellow taxi and private transport drivers also shared their experiences with passengers who felt that wearing a seat belt was optional when sitting in the back.

This apparently led to a lot of discussions between drivers and passengers.

Driver fined S$150 for failing to ensure all passengers wear seat belts

Under the Road Traffic Act, drivers of motor vehicles must ensure that all passengers, including themselves, wear a seat belt.

Drivers who fail to ensure that all passengers wear seat belts risk a fine of S$150 and three demerit points.

Also read: 10-year-old boy in Colombia refuses to fasten seat belt, is thrown off plane with his father

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Featured image adapted from Facebook and andresr on Canva.

The post Ryde driver urges passengers to wear seatbelts with handwritten note driver passenger seatbelt first appeared on Frugals ca.


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