Kansas farmers face higher risk of suicide

Addressing Mental Health Struggles in Rural Farming CommunitiesAddressing Mental Health Struggles in Rural Farming Communities Isabelle Blackwood’s tragic loss of her brother to suicide prompted her to raise awareness about mental health issues among agricultural professionals, particularly men. Their isolation and the stressors inherent in farming contribute to an elevated risk of suicide. Local Initiatives: Building Support Networks In response to Blackwood’s advocacy, the Clay Counts Coalition launched the Farmer to Farmer program, which aims to promote mental health awareness, host support events, and increase access to resources. This initiative reflects a growing recognition of the need to address mental health in rural farming communities. Challenges and Progress Lori Martin of the Clay Counts Coalition acknowledges the stigma associated with seeking mental health support, particularly among a population known for their resilience and independence. However, Blackwood believes that rural groups like the Coalition are making a positive impact. Shifting Perceptions Will Stutterheim, a mental health professional with rural experience, has observed a gradual increase in mental health awareness in farming communities. He highlights the solitary nature of farming and the uncontrollable factors that can contribute to stress and isolation. Recommendations Stutterheim recommends breaking the cycle of rumination by fostering social connections and encouraging farmers to seek professional help. Blackwood emphasizes the need for ongoing efforts to reduce stigma and make mental health services more accessible in rural areas. Conclusion The Kansas farmers’ suicide crisis is a serious issue that is being met with proactive initiatives like the Clay Counts Coalition’s Farmer to Farmer program. While challenges remain, there is hope that by increasing awareness and providing support, these communities can reduce the burden of mental health struggles and promote well-being.

When Isabelle Blackwood was in middle school, her Kansas farming family was devastated when her eldest brother Ian died by suicide.

Blackwood, who is now a high school senior in Clay Center, responded by learning about the mental health struggles among agricultural professionals, especially men. They often work in isolation, compounding the struggle with mental illness, and face a higher risk of suicide.

Blackwood has since made it her personal mission to raise awareness about the risk of untreated mental health issues and reduce the stigma of seeking professional help. As a speechwriter in local FFA competitions, she shared that message.

“All the men in my life are in the ag community,” Blackwood said. “I didn’t want to lose another man in my family.”

A local nonprofit organization heard Blackwood’s endeavor and followed suit. The Clay Counts Coalition — an organization dedicated to improving the well-being of Clay County residents — is launching a new program designed to help its farming community better deal with the stress and depression that stems from a difficult profession.

Lori Martin, community mobilizer for the Clay Counts Coalition, said agricultural professionals are tough and resilient, but that also makes them less likely to seek help.

“They’re very proud and they’re very private.” Martin said, “but they are also under a tremendous amount of stress.”

The coalition’s Farmer to Farmer program wants to change that by promoting mental health awareness and hosting events that allow farmers to gather and feel more comfortable about seeking help. It’s also working to increase access to mental health resources.

It’s the latest effort to join other local governments and organizations that want to address a significant problem. Kansas research shows men in farming jobs are more than three times as likely to die by suicide than other male workers.

Blackwood said she feels relief that rural groups like Clay Counts Coalition are taking mental health seriously. But she said there is a long road before the stigma is reduced completely.

“This is just one step forward,” Blackwood said, “when we need to be making thousands of steps forward.

There is hope those things are changing. Will Stutterheim, a therapist and psychology instructor at Fort Hays State University, said he’s seen a gradual increase of awareness among rural farming communities.

Stutterheim, who grew up on a farm in northwest Kansas, worked as a therapist in rural parts of Kansas for many years. He said it’s common for farmers to experience stress from a volatile industry because so many factors of their profession are out of their control — like drought and the fluctuating price of grain.

Farmers can also spend many hours of the day isolated in what is largely a solitary profession. That can lead to farmers dwelling on their stress without relief.

“Putting yourself on an island in a tractor, going around in circles all day long,” Stutterheim said, “may not always be the best for people who are ruminating.”

The post Kansas farmers face higher risk of suicide first appeared on Frugals ca.


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