Miami man arrested for defrauding elderly couple

Grandparent Fraud: Cuban Resident Arrested in MiamiGrandparent Fraud: Cuban Resident Arrested in Miami Augustín García Marsán, a 38-year-old Cuban resident of Miami, was arrested this Monday in connection with multiple fraud incidents in Florida and North Carolina. Marsán is accused of defrauding an elderly couple of thousands of dollars through a “grandparent fraud” scheme. The Fraud Incident On July 3, Marsán contacted the victims, an 87-year-old man and an 82-year-old woman, claiming to be their grandson and requesting bail money for an alleged car accident arrest. The caller instructed the victims to send $18,500 in cash through a Lyft driver, who delivered the package to Marsán at a shopping center. Investigation and Arrest Surveillance footage confirmed Marsán’s involvement in the fraud, and an investigation revealed that he had used similar tactics in other fraud schemes. Lyft records indicated that Marsán used accounts with fake names and disposable phone numbers, but linked them to his Florida driver’s license and address. Modus Operandi Grandparent fraud involves scammers targeting elderly victims by impersonating their family members in distress. The scammers typically request immediate financial assistance, claiming legal emergencies or other urgent situations. Prevalence and Prevention Grandparent fraud has become increasingly common, and Cubans living in Florida and other states have been implicated in many cases. To protect against this type of fraud, it is crucial to: * Verify the identity of callers by contacting the alleged relative directly. * Never send money without confirming the situation with other family members. * Report any suspicious activity to local authorities.

a Cuban resident in Miami was arrested this Monday after defrauding an elderly couple of thousands of dollars and being involved in multiple fraud incidents in Florida And North Carolinaaccording to police reports. Augustin Garcia Marsan38, is accused of, among other things, organized fraud, theft from the elderly, fraudulent use of identification data, communication fraud and illegal use of a communication device, according to Miami-Dade County prison data.

According to a report by NBC MiamiOn July 3, the victims, ages 87 and 82, received a phone call from a man posing as their grandson, claiming he had been in a car accident. The person said he had been arrested for texting while driving and asked them to contact a lawyer to help him get out of jail.

The elderly man called the alleged lawyer, who asked for $18,500 in cash for the “grandson’s” bail, to be delivered the same day as the next day was a holiday. Fourth of Julyand the courts would be closed. After the money was collected, a Lyft driver the package was picked up as indicated.

It wasn’t until later that the grandfather discovered the scam when he called his grandson, who assured him he was fine and hadn’t been in an accident. The victim reported the incident to police, and an investigation was immediately launched. Surveillance footage confirmed that the Lyft driver went to a shopping center where he delivered the package to a man identified as García Marsán, the police report said.

Authorities discovered that the Cuban national was involved in multiple fraud schemes in Florida and North Carolina, using the same method: ride-hailing and meeting drivers at shopping malls. During the investigation, investigators obtained information from Lyft and discovered that García Marsán was using accounts with fake names, email addresses, and disposable phone numbers to operate. However, he used his Florida driver’s license, a photo of himself, and a credit card linked to his address.

This Monday he was finally found and arrested. The so-called “grandparent fraud” has become a common method of fraud in the US in recent years. Those involved in this type of crime research elderly victims, their family connections and other relevant information before proceeding with the fraud. Many Cubans living in Florida and other states have been arrested for scamming senior citizens.

Understanding Grandparent Fraud

This section answers frequently asked questions about grandparent fraud and provides helpful information to help you avoid becoming a victim.

What is grandparent fraud?

Grandparent fraud is a type of fraud in which scammers pose as a victim’s grandson or other family member in need in order to trick him or her into sending money.

How can you protect yourself from grandparent scams?

To protect yourself, always verify the identity of the caller by contacting the alleged relative directly using a known phone number. Never send money without confirming the situation with other family members.

What should you do if you suspect you are a victim of grandparent scams?

If you suspect you have been a victim, contact your local police immediately and report the incident. Inform your bank and credit card companies if you have shared financial information.


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