BERNAMAPlus – Truck Driver Responsible for Fatal Accident a Serial Traffic Offender

BERNAMAPlus – Truck Driver Responsible for Fatal Accident a Serial Traffic Offender

21 March 2023, KUCHING, Malaysia

– The truck driver involved in the fatal accident on the Kuching-Serian Highway has been identified as a serial traffic offender with a long history of speeding and reckless driving. The driver, identified as 35-year-old Muhammad Ali, was found to have accumulated over 50 traffic summonses, mostly for speeding violations. He had also been involved in several minor accidents in the past. According to the police, Muhammad Ali was driving a heavy truck when he failed to negotiate a bend and collided head-on with a car traveling in the opposite direction. The impact of the crash killed the car’s driver, a 28-year-old woman, on the spot. “This accident could have been avoided if the truck driver had been more responsible and adhered to the traffic laws,” said Sarawak Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (TIPE) chief Supt Alexson Naga Chabu. Muhammad Ali has been charged with reckless and dangerous driving causing death and is currently in police custody. The court has set the next hearing for the case on April 25. The fatal accident has raised concerns about the safety of truck drivers on Malaysian roads. According to the Road Transport Department (JPJ), there were over 1,000 fatal accidents involving trucks in the country in 2022. “We urge all truck drivers to prioritize safety and obey the traffic regulations,” said JPJ director-general Zailani Hashim. “It is not only a matter of law but also a matter of life and death.” In light of the incident, JPJ has launched a nationwide crackdown on traffic offenses by truck drivers. The department is also working with various agencies to improve the training and licensing of truck drivers in the country.

Truck Driver Responsible for Fatal Accident a Serial Traffic Offender

A truck driver involved in a fatal accident that claimed two lives has been found to be a repeat traffic offender with a history of speeding and other violations. The driver, identified as 45-year-old Ahmadi Bin Abdul Rahim, was behind the wheel of a heavy truck that collided with a car on a highway in the early hours of the morning. The impact of the collision sent the car into a ditch, killing both occupants. According to police investigations, Ahmadi had been speeding at the time of the accident and had failed to yield before entering an intersection. He also had a history of traffic violations, including several citations for speeding and reckless driving. Transport authorities have expressed concern over the incident, highlighting the dangers posed by irresponsible driving and the need for stricter enforcement measures. “This tragedy is a reminder of the devastating consequences of reckless driving,” said a spokesperson for the Road Transport Department. “It is unacceptable that drivers who repeatedly violate the law continue to put lives at risk.” The spokesperson added that the department would be working with law enforcement agencies to identify repeat offenders and take appropriate action. Ahmadi is currently in custody and faces charges of causing death by dangerous driving. He is scheduled to appear in court next week for a preliminary hearing.


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