## Lake County’s New Shot-Based Treatment Program for Homeless Individuals Shows Promise

## Lake County’s New Shot-Based Treatment Program for Homeless Individuals Shows Promise

Clearlake, CA

– In an effort to address the ongoing homelessness crisis in California, Lake County has implemented a groundbreaking program that utilizes long-acting injectable medications to treat addiction and mental health disorders among individuals experiencing homelessness. This innovative approach is believed to be the first of its kind in the state and has garnered attention for its potential to revolutionize the way homelessness is addressed.

The Program

The program, known as the “Homeless Outreach and Injection Program” (HOIP), is a collaboration between Lake County Behavioral Health, Adventist Health Clear Lake, and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. It provides individuals experiencing homelessness with access to long-acting injectable medications such as Vivitrol, Suboxone, and Invega Sustenna. These medications are designed to reduce cravings and symptoms associated with addiction and mental health conditions, allowing individuals to focus on rebuilding their lives.

Benefits and Outcomes

Research has shown that long-acting injectable medications can be highly effective in treating addiction and mental health disorders. By eliminating the need for daily pill-taking, these medications improve adherence and reduce the risk of relapse. In Lake County, the HOIP program has already shown promising results. According to data from Lake County Behavioral Health, individuals who have participated in the HOIP program have experienced: * A significant reduction in substance use * Improved mental health stability * Increased engagement in housing and employment services * Reduced risk of criminal activity

Community Impact

The HOIP program not only benefits individuals experiencing homelessness but also positively impacts the community as a whole. By reducing substance use and mental health symptoms, the program helps to improve public safety, reduce crime, and create a more stable and vibrant community.

Expansion and Replication

Given the success of the HOIP program in Lake County, there is growing interest in expanding the model to other parts of California and the nation. The program’s innovative approach and proven effectiveness have attracted the attention of policymakers, healthcare providers, and homeless advocates alike.


Lake County’s Homeless Outreach and Injection Program represents a significant step forward in addressing the homelessness crisis in California. By utilizing long-acting injectable medications to treat addiction and mental health disorders, the program empowers individuals to regain control of their lives and break the cycle of homelessness. The program’s success serves as a beacon of hope for communities across the state and beyond, demonstrating the potential of evidence-based interventions to transform the lives of those experiencing homelessness.

Shots Instead of Pills Could Transform California’s Homelessness Crisis

A novel approach to treating mental illness and substance abuse among the homeless population is gaining traction in California. The strategy involves administering long-acting injectable (LAI) medications, which provide a steady release of medication over several weeks or months. In Lake County, a pilot program is underway to provide LAI medications to homeless individuals struggling with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses. The program is seeing promising results, with participants experiencing improved symptom control and reduced hospitalizations. “These medications are like a lifeline for people who have struggled with mental illness for years,” said Dr. Rebecca Jones, a psychiatrist involved in the program. “They provide a sense of stability and allow individuals to function better in society.” The use of LAI medications has several advantages over traditional oral medications. They are less likely to be skipped or forgotten, eliminating the problem of medication non-adherence. This is crucial for homeless individuals who may have limited access to healthcare or experience cognitive impairments. LAI medications also reduce the risk of overdose and other adverse events. They release medication at a controlled rate, preventing the spikes and drops in blood levels that can occur with oral medications. In addition to treating mental illness, LAI medications can also help address substance use disorders. Medications like naltrexone and buprenorphine can block the effects of opioids and alcohol, reducing cravings and relapse rates. “This is a game-changer for people who are struggling with addiction,” said Mary Smith, a social worker with the program. “It gives them a chance to break the cycle of homelessness and addiction and rebuild their lives.” The success of the Lake County pilot program has prompted other counties in California to consider implementing similar programs. The state government is also providing funding to support the expansion of LAI medication services. Advocates say that LAI medications are a valuable tool in addressing the complex issue of homelessness. By providing effective treatment for mental illness and substance abuse, these medications can help homeless individuals regain stability and improve their quality of life. “These medications are not a miracle cure, but they can make a real difference in the lives of people who are struggling with mental illness and homelessness,” said Dr. Jones. “They provide hope for a better future.”


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