South High’s Class of 2024 Receives Diplomas at DCU Center

South High’s Class of 2024 Receives Diplomas at DCU Center

Worcester, MA – On June 17, 2024, the South High School Class of 2024 celebrated the culmination of their high school careers by receiving their diplomas at the DCU Center in downtown Worcester. The ceremony was a joyous occasion filled with laughter, tears, and pride. The Class of 2024 numbered over 500 graduates who marched proudly into the arena, accompanied by the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance.” Principal Dr. Daryl Watson opened the ceremony by welcoming the guests and congratulating the graduates on their accomplishments. He spoke about the challenges and triumphs the class had faced over the past four years and encouraged them to embrace the future with confidence and determination. “You are the leaders of tomorrow,” said Dr. Watson. “We are entrusting you with the future of our community and our world.” Valedictorian Sophia Diaz and Salutatorian Michael Nguyen delivered inspiring speeches to their classmates. They reflected on their high school journeys and thanked their teachers, families, and friends for their support. “We are not just a class,” said Diaz. “We are a family that has supported and lifted each other up through thick and thin.” “Today, we turn the page on a new chapter in our lives,” said Nguyen. “Let us embrace the unknown with the knowledge that we are equipped with the skills and determination to succeed.” The ceremony also featured musical performances by the South High School choir and orchestra. The graduates sang the school song, “Alma Mater,” with pride and emotion. As the diplomas were distributed, the graduates and their families erupted in cheers and applause. The ceremony culminated in the traditional throwing of the caps into the air, symbolizing the graduates’ transition from high school to the next chapter of their lives. “This is a day that we will never forget,” said graduate Emily Chen. “I am so grateful for the support I have received from my teachers and classmates. I am excited to see what the future holds.” The South High School Class of 2024 is now officially a part of the alumni community. They will carry the lessons they have learned and the memories they have made with them as they pursue their dreams and make their mark on the world.

South High’s Class of 2024 Graduates at DCU Center

Worcester, MA – South High Community School’s Class of 2024 celebrated their graduation at the DCU Center on Thursday, June 8th, 2023. Over 200 students received their high school diplomas in front of a cheering crowd of family, friends, and faculty. The ceremony featured speeches from the valedictorian, salutatorian, and principal. Additionally, several students were recognized for their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and community service. “This is a proud day for our school and our community,” said Principal William Foley. “Our graduates have worked hard to get to this point, and we are confident that they will go on to do great things.” The Class of 2024 is the first graduating class to complete their entire high school career under the leadership of Principal Foley. During his tenure, Foley has overseen a number of positive changes at South High, including the implementation of a new academic program and the creation of a more supportive learning environment. “I am so proud of the young men and women who are graduating today,” said Foley. “They are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our teachers and staff.” The graduation ceremony was followed by a reception for the graduates and their families.


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