Gains at the Ballot Box for Abortion Rights Still Mean a Court Battle for Access

Gains at the Ballot Box for Abortion Rights Still Mean a Court Battle for Access

Amidst a political climate charged with reproductive rights debates, voters in several states made significant gains for abortion rights at the ballot box in November 2022. However, these victories are met with ongoing legal challenges that underscore the complex legal landscape around abortion access.

Ballot Box Victories

Michiganders overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment enshrining abortion rights, while voters in California, Montana, and Vermont voted to protect access to reproductive healthcare services. These measures have reinforced the reproductive rights of women in these states and sent a clear message of support for abortion access.

Legal Challenges

Despite these gains, abortion access remains under attack in courts. Anti-abortion groups and conservative officials have filed lawsuits challenging the legality of the ballot measures, arguing that they go beyond the scope of the state constitutions or violate federal law. In Michigan, the Michigan Court of Appeals blocked the implementation of the constitutional amendment, ruling that it should not have been on the ballot in the first place. A lawsuit in Montana seeks to overturn the amendment approved by voters, alleging that it violates the state’s ban on using public funds for abortions.

Uncertain Future

The legal challenges facing the ballot measures introduce uncertainty about the future of abortion access in these states. The outcome of these lawsuits could determine whether the hard-fought gains made at the ballot box will be upheld or overturned. If the courts strike down the ballot measures, it would effectively recriminalize abortion in Michigan, Montana, and Vermont, leaving women with fewer options for reproductive healthcare. Conversely, if the courts uphold the measures, it would strengthen abortion rights in these states and provide much-needed protection for women’s health.

Ongoing Battle

The legal battles over abortion access are far from over. The fate of these ballot measures will set precedents for future efforts to expand or restrict abortion rights through the legislative process. It is likely that anti-abortion groups will continue to mount legal challenges, while pro-choice advocates will fight to defend the gains made at the ballot box.


While the ballot box victories for abortion rights represent a significant step forward, they are not the end of the battle for access. Legal challenges threaten to overturn these hard-won gains, leaving the future of abortion rights uncertain. The ongoing court battles will determine whether the will of the voters will be upheld or whether access to essential healthcare services will be restricted.

Gains at the Ballot Box for Abortion Rights Still Mean a Court Battle for Access

Despite recent electoral victories for abortion rights supporters, activists warn that legal challenges will continue to impede access to abortion care in many states. In the 2022 midterm elections, voters in five states—Michigan, California, Montana, Vermont, and Kentucky—passed ballot measures protecting abortion rights. These measures ranged from enshrining abortion rights in state constitutions to blocking restrictions on the procedure. However, abortion rights advocates caution that these electoral victories are not the end of the fight. They point out that there are still over 100 anti-abortion bills pending in state legislatures, and that many states have already enacted restrictive laws that will take effect if Roe v. Wade is overturned. “Even though we’ve seen some victories at the ballot box, we still have a long way to go,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “We know that anti-abortion politicians will continue to push their harmful agendas, and we must be prepared to fight them in court and at the state level.” One of the most significant legal challenges facing abortion rights is a case currently before the Supreme Court, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case involves a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. If the Supreme Court upholds the law, it could effectively overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. A decision in Dobbs is expected by June 2022. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, it will likely lead to a patchwork of abortion laws across the country, with some states banning the procedure outright and others protecting abortion rights. Abortion rights activists are already preparing for a post-Roe world. They are working to expand access to abortion care through telehealth, medication abortion, and self-managed abortion. They are also organizing to support pregnant people seeking abortions in states where the procedure is restricted. “We will not go back,” said Johnson. “We will continue to fight for abortion rights, and we will not rest until everyone has access to the healthcare they need.”


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