Teenager killed in alleged drunk driving on way to school

Tragedy Strikes: 13-Year-Old Girl Killed in Alleged Drunk Driving AccidentTragedy Strikes: 13-Year-Old Girl Killed in Alleged Drunk Driving Accident In a heart-wrenching incident, a 13-year-old girl, Margaret, tragically lost her life in a road accident on her way to school in Njoro, Nakuru County. The accident is believed to have been caused by drunk driving. Margaret, a Grade Five pupil at Mutirima Primary School, was walking with her younger sister when they were struck by a vehicle allegedly driven by a 21-year-old man. According to witnesses, the driver and his two companions were under the influence of alcohol after a night of partying. Margaret’s mother, Beth Nyambura, expressed her shock and devastation. She described her daughter as a disciplined and hardworking girl who left home that morning full of life. Her younger daughter, who was also injured in the accident, returned home in distress with the news of her sister’s death. A neighbor, Peter Ngugi, witnessed the accident and reported hearing a loud bang. He rushed to the scene and found the vehicle overturned after hitting the girls. The occupants of the vehicle, including the driver and two youths, were allegedly intoxicated. Police quickly arrived and took the suspects into custody. Njoro Sub-County Police Commander Paul Wambugu confirmed that the driver was identified as Sammy Kirubi and that a manhunt was underway for the suspect who fled the scene. The community is outraged by the senseless loss of life due to reckless driving under the influence of alcohol. They are demanding swift action against the perpetrators to ensure that justice is served. The body of the deceased has been taken to Egerton Funeral Home, while the vehicle has been impounded. This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of drunk driving. It is crucial for all drivers to prioritize road safety and refrain from drinking and driving to prevent such heartbreaking outcomes.

A family in Store Mbili village in Njoro, Nakuru County, is in mourning after their 13-year-old daughter died in a road accident allegedly caused by drunk driving on her way to school.

The incident happened early Tuesday, July 9, when Margaret, a Grade Five pupil at Mutirima Primary School, was walking to school with her younger sister.

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They were hit by a vehicle reportedly driven by a 21-year-old man accompanied by two youths who were allegedly under the influence of alcohol after a night of partying in Njoro town.

In an interview, Margaret’s mother, Beth Nyambura, told Nation.Africa she woke her children at 5 am and got them ready for school.

Within minutes of leaving home at around 6:30am, her younger daughter returned in distress with the devastating news that her older sister, Margaret, had been fatally injured in the accident.

“Wambui, a hardworking and disciplined girl, left home that morning full of life and it is devastating that her promising future was abruptly ended by a reckless driver under the influence of alcohol. I was shocked when she came crying and said her sister was dead. She told me what had happened, but at first I could not believe it. Her father then rushed to the scene and confirmed the worst, that she had been run over by the car,” said the grieving mother.

Ms Nyambura said her younger daughter sustained injuries to her hands and legs in the accident.

A neighbour, Peter Ngugi, who witnessed the accident, said he heard a loud bang and when he rushed to the scene he found the vehicle which had veered off the road after hitting the two sisters.

They were trying to speed away but they veered off the road and hit the girls,” Mr Ngugi said.

“I went to check on the occupants of the overturned vehicle and found two young men and a woman. One of the men had escaped. The driver and the woman were drunk. The driver confessed that they had been drinking at a club in the Egerton area and returned the vehicle to its owner. We just want action to be taken against them,” Mr Ngugi said.

He said the deceased died of her injuries on the way to a nearby hospital for treatment.

A crowd quickly gathered at the scene and managed to arrest the three occupants of the vehicle, who confessed that they were returning from a night of drinking at a club near Egerton.

Police quickly arrived to diffuse the tense situation and took the suspects into custody.

Njoro Sub-County Police Commander Paul Wambugu said the driver had been identified as Sammy Kirubi, adding that they had launched a manhunt for the suspect, who fled the scene.

“We are investigating the fatal accident, including allegations of drunk driving. The body of the deceased has been taken to Egerton Funeral Home and the vehicle has been impounded at Njoro Police Station,” Mr Wambugu said.

(email protected)


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