! Murcia Today – British couple in hospital after being hit by drunk driver in Los Alcazares

Camposol Today Submission GuidelinesCamposol Today Submission Guidelines Introduction Thank you for choosing CamposolVandaag.com to promote your organization’s information or event. Camposol Today, created by Murcia Today, provides news and information to the residents of the largest English-speaking expat area in the Murcia Region. Submission Guidelines To ensure prompt upload, kindly adhere to the following guidelines: Email Communication: * Send an email including the article information to [email protected] or [email protected] Word or Google Doc Format: * Create a Word or Google document containing all relevant points Article Content: * Organization Name: Name of the organizing entity * Event Details: Location, date, and time * Cost: Any applicable fees * Registration: Required or walk-ins allowed * Article Length: Limit to approximately 300 words Image Requirements: * Include an image to illustrate the article (maximum 100kb) Note: Please avoid exceeding the 300-word limit and maintain the image file size within the specified limit. Call to Action: Visit CamposolToday.com for more information and news about the Camposol area.

Hello, and thank you for choosing CamposolVandaag.com to publicize your organization’s information or event.

Camposol Today is a website created by Murcia Today specifically for the residents of the urbanisation in the south-west of Murcia. The website provides news and information about what is happening in the area, the largest English-speaking expat area in the Region of Murcia.

When submitting text for Camposol Today, please adhere to the following guidelines so we can upload your article as quickly as possible:

Send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]

Add the information to a Word document or Google Doc

Include all relevant points, including:

Which organization is organizing the event?

Where does it happen?


How much is it?

Is it necessary to book in advance or can people just turn up on the day itself?

…but don’t try to outdo 300 words

Also add a photo to illustrate your article, no more than 100kb


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