Tomorrow, the cleaning marathon of the entire Republic starts in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Launches Nationwide Clean-Up MarathonAzerbaijan Launches Nationwide Clean-Up Marathon Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources has announced a nationwide clean-up marathon starting tomorrow. The campaign, known as “Clean Land,” will expand its efforts to include river valleys, forests, and sea shores every Wednesday and Saturday. Irada Ibrahimova, the ministry’s spokesperson, emphasized the importance of the marathon in fostering a sense of responsibility among citizens. She noted that ongoing clean-up actions have already begun to create awareness about the issue of waste pollution. According to Ibrahimova, the initiative aims to highlight the shared responsibility for maintaining a clean environment. “We believe that these campaigns will make it clear that we are all accountable for areas polluted with waste,” she said. For updates on the clean-up marathon, follow @AzerNewsAz on Twitter.

Fatime Letifova

A nationwide clean-up marathon starts tomorrow in Azerbaijan,
Azer News defeated.

Irada Ibrahimova, spokesperson for the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, said the scope of the clean-up operations held every weekend under the slogan “Clean Land” is being expanded.

“From now on, the National Clean-up Marathon will cover river valleys, forest areas and sea shores across the country every Wednesday and Saturday,” she added.

According to Ibrahimova, the clean-up actions, which have been held regularly across the country for several years, have already created a sense of responsibility among a certain part of society.

“We believe that ongoing clean-up campaigns create a sense of responsibility among our citizens, and make it clear that we are all responsible for areas polluted with waste, and not just one organization,” she said.

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