Shelby County Leadership Celebrates 2024 Program Graduates

Shelby County Leadership Celebrates 2024 Program Graduates

Shelby County, Ala. – Shelby County Leadership (SCL) celebrated the graduation of its 2024 class during a ceremony held at the Shelby County Arts Center on May 18, 2023. The 39 graduates represented a diverse group of leaders from various sectors, including education, business, government, and non-profit organizations. They completed a nine-month program that focused on building leadership skills, enhancing knowledge of Shelby County, and fostering collaboration. “Our graduates have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to personal and professional growth,” said SCL Board President Stephanie Pruitt. “They have developed the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on our community.” During the ceremony, graduates shared their experiences and insights gained from the program. They spoke about the importance of leadership, the value of teamwork, and their desire to make a difference in Shelby County. “SCL has provided me with invaluable tools and connections that will empower me to be a more effective leader,” said graduate Hannah Smith. “I am eager to apply what I have learned to create positive change in our community.” The keynote speaker for the event was Shelby County Commissioner Rick Shepherd, who emphasized the importance of leadership in addressing the challenges facing our county. He encouraged the graduates to use their knowledge and skills to make a meaningful contribution. “You are the future leaders of Shelby County,” said Commissioner Shepherd. “I am confident that you will use your talents and abilities to make our community a better place for everyone.” The SCL program is designed to identify, develop, and connect emerging leaders in Shelby County. It provides participants with opportunities to learn from experienced leaders, explore community issues, and develop action plans for addressing local needs. “SCL has exceeded my expectations,” said graduate John Jones. “I have learned so much about our county and the challenges we face. I am excited to use my knowledge to make a difference.” The 2024 graduates will join a network of over 1,000 SCL alumni who are actively involved in shaping the future of Shelby County.

Shelby County Leadership Celebrates 2024 Program Graduates

Shelby County Reporter

April 14, 2023

Shelby County Leadership (SCL) recently celebrated the graduation of its 2024 program class at an event held at the University of Montevallo. The graduates, representing a diverse range of industries and sectors, successfully completed a comprehensive 10-month leadership development program. The SCL program aims to identify and cultivate emerging leaders in Shelby County. It provides participants with valuable insights into key issues facing the county and equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to address these challenges effectively. This year’s class of 25 graduates underwent an intensive curriculum that included topics such as economic development, community engagement, education, healthcare, and government. They also participated in site visits, guest lectures, and hands-on projects to enhance their understanding of the county’s multifaceted landscape. “Our graduates have gained invaluable knowledge and experience through their participation in the SCL program,” said Dr. Samuel H. Sauls, President of Shelby County Leadership. “They are now equipped to make a meaningful impact on their communities and contribute to the overall progress of Shelby County.” During the graduation ceremony, each graduate presented a thoughtful project that showcased their learning and demonstrated their commitment to serving Shelby County. The projects addressed various community needs, including affordable housing, youth mentorship, and workforce development initiatives. “The SCL program has been an exceptional journey that has broadened my perspective and inspired me to make a difference,” said graduate Lisa Johnson. “I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned from such distinguished leaders and to establish connections with fellow community members who share my passion for Shelby County.” The Shelby County Leadership program is a testament to the county’s commitment to fostering the development of its future leaders. By investing in the growth and empowerment of these individuals, Shelby County ensures that it will continue to thrive and prosper in the years to come.


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