FSSAI publishes new rules for food packaging to prevent consumer misleading

Importance of Displaying Nutrition Information on Food LabelsImportance of Displaying Nutrition Information on Food Labels To empower consumers with essential nutrition information, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has emphasized the display of such information in bold, large letters on food products. This decision aims to raise awareness and facilitate informed decisions regarding food purchases. Benefits of Clear Nutrition Labeling * Informed Dietary Choices: Access to nutritional information allows consumers to make mindful food selections based on their health goals and dietary restrictions. * Health Monitoring: Individuals with health conditions like diabetes or hypertension can monitor their intake of specific nutrients (e.g., sugars, sodium). * Weight Management: Comparing nutritional information helps control calorie intake, a crucial aspect of weight management. * Prevention of Diet-Related Diseases: Informed choices can reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other health issues linked to poor nutrition. Consumers’ Responsibility Consumers play a vital role in their own well-being by educating themselves about nutrition labels: * Understanding Nutrition Composition: Labels provide insights into the amount of calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fats), vitamins, minerals, and harmful ingredients. * Comparing Brands: Comparing nutritional information from different products enables consumers to make healthier choices. * Monitoring Portion Sizes: Labels indicate recommended serving sizes, aiding in portion control and calorie management. Conclusion The clear display of nutrition information empowers consumers, allowing them to make informed dietary choices that support their overall health. This initiative promotes a healthier food environment by encouraging awareness of what we eat and facilitating mindful food consumption.

In order to make the nutritional profiles of foods sold in the market more visible to consumers, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has said in a press release that such information should be displayed in bold letters and in a relatively large font.

This can help people make informed decisions when purchasing food products.

There have been calls for information such as total sugar, salt and saturated fat to be displayed more prominently on labels of packaged foods.

The decision to approve the amendment in the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020 relating to Nutritional information labelling was taken during the 44th meeting of the Food Authority held under the chairmanship of Apurva Chandra, Chairman, FSSAI. The draft notification for the said amendment would now be made public to invite suggestions and objections.

Why is this important?
Reading nutritional information about foods before you buy them is crucial to making informed dietary choices and maintaining your overall health. It provides essential details about the nutritional content of the product, including the number of calories, macronutrient composition (such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats), vitamins, minerals and potentially harmful ingredients such as trans fats or excessive sugars.

For people with conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or food allergies, reading nutrition labels is extra important to monitor their intake of sugars, sodium and allergens.

By comparing nutritional information from different brands or products, consumers can make healthier choices. This practice promotes awareness of portion sizes and helps control calorie intake, which is crucial for weight management and preventing diet-related health problems such as obesity or cardiovascular disease.

By educating themselves about nutrition labels, consumers can make informed choices that support their personal well-being and contribute to a healthier food environment.


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