Kingfisher Times & Free Press

The provided text is a snippet from an article that appears to be blocked behind a paywall. The “.

” syntax is used to denote a paragraph of text, while the “” element is a div container that holds the premium content teaser.The provided text is a snippet from an article that appears to be blocked behind a paywall. The “.

” syntax is used to denote a paragraph of text, while the “” element is a div container that holds the premium content teaser. The paragraph within the div container contains a brief excerpt from an op-ed by Gary Reid, the publisher emeritus. It mentions that the story of Biden’s presidential campaign may not be over yet and discusses potential moves by party power brokers at an “open” convention. This implies that the full article is an opinion piece that discusses the political landscape surrounding Biden’s campaign. Following the excerpt, there is a message encouraging readers to log in for premium content. Additionally, there is a script that is used to embed a Facebook SDK (Software Development Kit), which is a set of tools that enables developers to integrate Facebook features into their websites and applications. Overall, the provided text is a fragment of an article that is gated behind a paywall, requiring readers to subscribe to access the full content. The op-ed appears to focus on Biden’s presidential campaign and discusses potential scenarios surrounding the candidate and the party’s decision-making process at an upcoming convention.

from behind the plow (An op-ed by Gary Reid, publisher emeritus)The story of Biden’s presidential campaign may not be over yet. Although Biden declared after his feverish debate that he would stay in the race, party power brokers are now talking about holding an “open” convention where another candidate could …

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