What’s on TV and Radio This Weekend: End of Summer

End of Summer: A Haunting Drama on BBC4End of Summer: A Haunting Drama on BBC4 On BBC4, the poignant drama “End of Summer” captivates viewers with its exploration of grief, secrets, and the lasting impact of tragedy. Set in the early 2000s, the story revolves around Vera, a enigmatic grief counselor haunted by the trauma of her childhood. In her counseling session, Vera encounters Isak, a young man who triggers memories of a summer two decades earlier when her mother committed suicide and her younger brother Billy vanished. As Vera delves into her past, the flashbacks reveal a harrowing tale of loss and unanswered questions. The flashbacks portray Vera as a young girl witnessing the unspeakable horrors that shaped her destiny. The disappearance of Billy, a lingering mystery, adds an air of suspense to the narrative. The drama, created by Julia Ragnarsson, explores the complexities of grief and its insidious effects on the human psyche. Vera’s journey of remembrance and reckoning is a testament to the enduring power of the past and its ability to shape our present. “End of Summer” airs on BBC4 at 9.00pm/9.55pm, promising a captivating and emotionally resonant viewing experience.

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End of summer
BBC4, 9.00pm/9.55pm
In the early 2000s, Vera, Julia Ragnarsson’s enigmatic heroine in this arrestingly mournful drama, is conducting a grief counseling session. A flashback scene had already shown her as a child, witnessing the excruciating sight of her mother’s suicide on a lake in the Skåne region of southern Sweden some 20 years earlier. But if that doesn’t explain her career choice, we soon learn that her younger brother Billy disappeared around the same time. Her memories of that terrible time are stirred and rekindled when a young man named Isak attends her sessions and points out key details from that tragic summer. What else


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