Business Groups Launch Coalition to Oppose New York’s $15 Minimum Wage Plan

Business Groups Launch Coalition to Oppose New York’s $15 Minimum Wage Plan

By Central New York Business Journal

Several business organizations have joined forces to form a coalition opposing the proposed $15 minimum wage in New York. The “New York Jobs Coalition,” which includes the Business Council of New York State, the Retail Council of New York State, and the National Federation of Independent Business, launched its campaign this week. The coalition argues that a $15 minimum wage would have a devastating impact on small businesses, particularly in upstate New York. They cite studies that suggest the wage hike could result in widespread job losses, reduced hours, and higher prices. “This proposal would be a disaster for our state’s economy,” said Heather Briccetti, president of the Business Council of New York State. “Businesses would be forced to close or move out of state, and workers would lose their jobs.” The coalition is asking state lawmakers to reject Governor Cuomo’s proposal. Instead, they suggest exploring more modest wage hikes that would not have the same negative consequences. “We need a balanced approach that supports both workers and businesses,” said Patricia Fonzi, president of the Retail Council of New York State. “A $15 minimum wage is simply not feasible.” The coalition’s opposition to the $15 minimum wage is likely to play a significant role in the debate over the proposal. The State Legislature is expected to consider the measure during the current legislative session. Governor Cuomo has been a strong advocate for the $15 minimum wage, arguing that it would help lift New Yorkers out of poverty and boost the state’s economy. “We have a moral obligation to ensure that every hard-working New Yorker is able to make a living wage,” Cuomo said in a statement. “A $15 minimum wage is a necessary step towards creating a more just and equitable society.” However, the coalition’s arguments have struck a chord with many business owners. They fear that a $15 minimum wage would make it impossible for them to compete with businesses in other states. “This would be a death sentence for my business,” said Mike Smith, owner of a small restaurant in Syracuse. “I simply can’t afford to pay my employees that much.” The coalition is expected to continue its advocacy efforts in the coming weeks and months. They plan to hold press conferences, lobby lawmakers, and run public awareness campaigns. The outcome of the debate over the $15 minimum wage in New York is uncertain. However, the coalition’s opposition is likely to make it more difficult for Governor Cuomo to pass his proposal.

Business Groups Launch Coalition to Oppose New York’s $15 Minimum Wage Plan


Central New York Business Journal

Key Points:

* A coalition of business groups has formed to oppose New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s plan to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour. * The coalition includes the Business Council of New York State, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Retail Council of New York State. * The groups argue that the wage increase would hurt small businesses and lead to job losses, particularly in upstate New York. * They also say that the increase would increase the cost of goods and services for consumers. * Governor Hochul has defended the plan, saying it would help low-wage workers and stimulate the economy. * The proposal is part of a broader agenda by the governor to address economic inequality in New York. * The coalition is planning to launch a campaign to raise awareness of their concerns and lobby lawmakers to oppose the wage increase.


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