White House gaslighters apologize for Biden’s ‘we finally defeated Medicare’ blunder

Biden’s Medicare Gaffle: White House Finally ExplainsBiden’s Medicare Gaffle: White House Finally Explains After weeks of silence, the White House has finally attempted to clarify President Joe Biden’s comment about Medicare during a CNN debate. The Statement White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that Biden intended to say “big pharma” when he declared, “We finally defeated Medicare.” The Response Jean-Pierre’s explanation has drawn criticism, with many questioning its credibility. Former President Donald Trump has capitalized on the gaffe, accusing Biden of “destroying Medicare.” Biden’s Fundraising Appeal Despite the negative attention, Biden has sent a fundraising email to supporters, vowing to remain in the race and defeat Trump in November. Concerns about Biden’s Mental Fitness In the wake of the debate performance, questions have been raised about Biden’s mental fitness. Jean-Pierre insists that Biden is “strong and determined,” but some reporters have pressed her on whether he is as “sharp” as before. Jean-Pierre’s Defense Jean-Pierre has defended Biden’s mental acuity, stating that he is “sharper than ever” and that she has witnessed his engagement and attention to detail. Call for Resignation Amidst the controversy, some members of Biden’s own party have called for him to resign before the election. Biden has dismissed these calls, declaring that he is “in this race to the end.”

A week after President Joe Biden made a comment about Medicare during his failed CNN debate, the White House finally attempted to explain.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gave the administration’s official spin on the moment a frustrated president declared, “We finally defeated Medicare,” in last week’s presidential debate. The remark opened up a stunning opportunity for former President Donald Trump to deliver a brutal soundbite.

“Well, he’s right. He defeated Medicare, he defeated it to death and he’s destroying Medicare,” Trump responded.

(Video credits: Forbes Breaking News)

On Wednesday, Biden’s spokesman attempted to provide clarity.

“He meant to say he defeated big pharma,” Jean-Pierre said at a news conference. “I mean, that’s what he meant to say.”

The spokesman was peppered with questions about the debate, Biden’s health and mental fitness, and called on him to resign and allow another candidate to become the Democratic nominee ahead of the November election.

(Video credits: Forbes Breaking News)

In an email to supporters asking for fundraising, Biden said he is holding out despite members of his own party calling for him to resign after his disappointing debate performance.

“I am the nominee of the Democratic Party,” Biden said in the fundraising email. “No one is pushing me out. I am not leaving, I am in this race to the end and WE are going to win this election. If that’s all you want to hear, then contribute a few dollars to help (Vice President Harris) and me defeat Donald Trump in November.”

During the press conference, Real Clear Politics’ Philip Wegmann, who had asked Jean-Pierre about the Medicare comment, then asked a question about Biden’s mental fitness.

“You have more interaction with the president than most people. You know him better than most people. Can you say… Do you believe the president is as sharp today as he was when he took this job? Have you seen any delays?” he asked.

“What I can say is that this is a president who is strong and determined in delivering for the American people. That is what I see,” Jean-Pierre responded.

“I see a president, when I’m sitting in front of him, you know, going over his day or talking about what he’s going to do next, he’s someone who’s going to engage with us. He wants to know, he’s pushing us, he’s prodding us, he wants to understand the bigger picture of what we’re trying to explain to him or even the smallest details,” she added.

“So he’s still as sharp?” the reporter pressed.

“He’s sharper than he’s ever been, as I’ve known him in my involvement and my experience with him,” Jean-Pierre insisted. “And I know that when I walk into the Oval Office or we see him on Air Force One, I have to be at the height of my powers. I am. I mean, and that’s just my involvement with him and what it’s been like over the last couple of years.”


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Frieda Krachten Senior staff member
(e-mail address)

Powers is originally from New York, graduated from New York University and eventually moved to sunny South Florida, where she has been writing for the BizPacReview team since 2015.

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