Caring mother donates food to people in need

Community Hero Award: Natalie Annika TaborCommunity Hero Award: Natalie Annika Tabor The Times recognizes the exceptional efforts of local East Auckland residents who contribute to the well-being of their community with the Community Hero award. This week, we honor Natalie Annika Tabor for her heartwarming act of kindness. Natalie bakes bread every week and donates it to her local food pantry, along with packets of soup for those in need. Her selfless act has earned her the admiration of Anna Coates, who nominated her for the award. “Natalie’s gesture of baking and donating bread and soup showcases her compassion and desire to help others,” said Anna. Natalie was humbled by the nomination. “I’m overwhelmed with gratitude,” she expressed. “It’s inspiring to know that someone noticed my efforts.” Natalie’s motivations stem from her concern for the food pantry’s apparent emptiness. Her love for baking and the desire to make a difference led her to contribute her time and skills. “Every loaf of bread and soup that finds its way to someone’s plate brings me immense joy,” Natalie added. We applaud Natalie’s dedication to helping those in her community. Her selfless contributions embody the spirit of the Community Hero award and serve as a reminder of the power of kindness. Natalie receives a $50 New World Howick gift card and will be featured in the Times’ digital publication and website.

Community Hero Award winner Natalie Annika Tabor, center, with her children Lukah and Calla. Photo provided

The Time is in recognition of the many wonderful people in our local East Auckland community who go out of their way to help others with our regular Community Hero award.

If you know someone who is doing great things in our community, please send some information about them, including name, contact details (if known) and a photo (if possible), to [email protected].

The award is sponsored by New World Howick. Recipients will receive a $50 New World gift card and will be featured in our new digital publication and on our website.

This week’s recipient is Natalie Annika Tabor.

She was nominated by Anna Coates, who says: “Natalie bakes bread every week and donates it to her local kai (food) pantry, along with a packet of soup for people in her community to help themselves.”

Natalie told the Time about her work helping people in need.

“I am absolutely overwhelmed that someone nominated me, how touching,” she says.

“Every time I drove past the local food bank, I felt like it was empty. And since I love baking bread, it seemed logical that I could do something to help.

“The bread and soup always go away so quickly and I wish I could do it more often.”


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