Hormones related to body composition during pregnancy are linked to babies’ mental health

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s Center for Mental Health Innovation have identified hormonal biomarkers linked to body fat composition during pregnancy that are associated with the mental health of the offspring. The study, published in the journal *Brain, Behavior, and Immunity*, found that lower levels of adiponectin in the mother’s bloodstream and higher concentrations of leptin in the umbilical cord blood may indicate an increased risk of mental disorders in the child.Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s Center for Mental Health Innovation have identified hormonal biomarkers linked to body fat composition during pregnancy that are associated with the mental health of the offspring. The study, published in the journal *Brain, Behavior, and Immunity*, found that lower levels of adiponectin in the mother’s bloodstream and higher concentrations of leptin in the umbilical cord blood may indicate an increased risk of mental disorders in the child. This is the first study to demonstrate a link between these hormones and behavioral outcomes in the offspring. The findings suggest that these biomarkers could be used to predict which children are at risk for mental health problems, such as ADHD and anxiety, so that early interventions can be provided. “Identifying new biomarkers gives us the opportunity to predict very early which children are at risk for common mental disorders, so that we can provide targeted early interventions,” said Elinor Sullivan, Ph.D., lead author of the study. The researchers collected data from a cohort of over 300 pregnant women and their children, collecting blood samples from the mother in the second trimester and an umbilical cord blood sample at birth. The offspring were evaluated at 6 months of age using behavioral tests to examine behaviors used to regulate emotions, which are strong indicators of risk for mental disorders early in life. The findings suggest that lower levels of adiponectin in the mother’s bloodstream and higher concentrations of leptin in the umbilical cord blood may be novel biomarkers of their offspring’s risk for mental disorders. “These findings provide an opportunity to intervene early in pregnancy to potentially improve health outcomes in children,” said Jamie Lo, MD, MCR, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the OHSU School of Medicine. The researchers emphasize the importance of access to quality prenatal care, including advice on nutrition and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and before conception, to optimize the health of pregnant women and their babies. They also plan to follow the subjects through age 5 to determine how these factors predict long-term risk and clinical diagnosis. “While this is an exciting first step, there is still so much to learn,” Sullivan said. “We look forward to continuing our research and supporting improved care for birthing parents and their children.”

Three people and a toddler stand in an MRI room. Researchers from OHSU's Center for Mental Health Innovation have identified new biomarkers linked to body fat composition during pregnancy that are associated with the mental health of the offspring. (OHSU/Christine Torres Hicks)

Researchers at OHSU’s Center for Mental Health Innovation have identified new biomarkers linked to body fat composition during pregnancy that are associated with the mental health of the offspring. (OHSU/Christine Torres Hicks)

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s Center for Mental Health Innovation have determined why increased fat mass, or the amount of fat in the body, during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of mental health disorders in the offspring.

The study, recently published in the journal Brain, behavior and immunityinvestigated whether the concentrations of two key hormones linked to fat mass in pregnancy or umbilical cord blood — adiponectin and leptin — could be predictive of psychological disorders in infants. Leptin, a hormone that helps regulate appetite, and adiponectin, a hormone that supports the regulation of glucose levels and the breakdown of fat, are both crucial for fetal development.

Although a link between obesity during pregnancy and the mental health of the offspring is becoming increasingly clear, the mechanisms underlying this association are not yet understood. This is the first study to demonstrate the link between the two hormones and behavioral outcomes in the offspring.

Elinor Sullivan, Ph.D., has long brown hair slicked back, wears a green top and smiles at the view of Portland from the top of OHSU Marquam Hill.

Elinor Sullivan, Ph.D. (OHSU)

“The link between the metabolic state of parturition during pregnancy and the mental health of the offspring is relatively new, and there is very little research to explain the link,” said Elinor Sullivan, Ph.D.professor of psychiatry at the OHSU School of Medicine and lead author of the study. “The thought is that metabolic state can influence the environment in the womb, which can shape the fetus’ brain and its development.

“Identifying new biomarkers gives us the opportunity to predict very early which children are at risk for common mental disorders, including ADHD and anxiety, so that we can provide targeted early interventions.”

Biomarkers, or measurable properties in the body, can serve as an early warning system for underlying diseases or conditions and are a valuable tool to better understand an individual’s health.

Hanna Gustafsson, Ph.D., has shoulder-length brown hair and smiles.

Hanna Gustafsson, Ph.D. (OHSU)

Under the direction of Sullivan and Hanna Gustafsson, Ph.D.researchers collected data from a cohort of more than 300 pregnant people and their children, collecting blood samples from the parent in the second trimester and an umbilical cord blood sample at birth. The offspring were brought in for evaluation at 6 months of age, at which point researchers administered standard behavioral tests to examine behaviors used to regulate emotions, which are strong indicators of risk for mental disorders early in life.

The findings suggest that lower levels of the hormone adiponectin in the parents’ bloodstream and higher concentrations of the hormone leptin in cord blood may be novel biomarkers of their offspring’s risk for mental disorders.

Researchers say identifying these biomarkers could have significant potential for early intervention for children at risk for a range of mental disorders, and suggest that identifying at-risk children may be possible earlier than often thought – at or even before birth. Furthermore, these biomarkers can be measured in a clinical setting using standard, inexpensive tools and can be assessed using a single test that is easily interpretable.

The next step for the research team will be to test interventions aimed at reducing children’s mental health risk and supporting parents during the perinatal period. There is promising evidence that teaching parents practical skills during pregnancy can help support the health of both parent and child — for example, teaching how to swaddle and soothe a crying baby, providing information about typical babies’ crying patterns and by offering mindfulness techniques to manage their own emotions when caring for a baby.

Jamie Lo, MD, MCR (OHSU) has long dark hair and wears a black sweater. He stands in front of the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute at OHSU.

Jamie Lo, MD, MCR (OHSU)

“Weight can be a complex and sensitive topic for pregnant women, and our goal as clinicians is to help patients take the best care of themselves and their developing baby,” she said. Jamie Lo, MD, MCR, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the OHSU School of Medicine, specializing in maternal-fetal medicine. “These findings provide an opportunity to intervene early in pregnancy to potentially improve health outcomes in children.”

Lo also emphasizes the importance of access to quality prenatal care, including advice on nutrition and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and before conception, which is critical to optimizing the health of pregnant people and their babies.

Looking ahead, Sullivan says additional research is needed to better understand the nature of these associations and to determine whether the behavioral health outcomes persist throughout childhood. The research team plans to follow the subjects through age 5 to determine how these factors predict long-term risk and clinical diagnosis.

“While this is an exciting first step, there is still so much to learn, including what role social determinants of health may play,” Sullivan said. “We look forward to continuing our research and supporting improved care for birthing parents and their children.”

The research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institutes of Health under National Institute of Mental Health grant numbers R01MH117177, R01MH124824, and K01MH120507, as well as National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences grant number UL1TR002369. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


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