Liard Highway to reopen Monday as fire rages nearby

Highway 7 Reopens After Wildfire Flare-UpHighway 7 Reopens After Wildfire Flare-Up Highway 7, connecting the NWT to BC from Fort Simpson to Fort Liard, has reopened Monday morning after a contained wildfire flared up and forced its closure the previous day. Advertisement [Image of Advertisement] Fire Conditions The National Wildfire Management Division (NWT Fire) reported extreme fire conditions on Sunday, leading to the road closure. Satellite data indicated the fire approximately 15km south of the Checkpoint intersection with Highway 1 in Dehcho. Advertisement [Image of Advertisement] Reopening On Monday, the NWT Infrastructure Department announced the highway’s reopening, advising travelers to exercise caution and reduce speed. Advertisement [Image of Advertisement] Fire Resurgence NWT Fire attributed the fire’s resurgence to warm and dry conditions coupled with strong winds over the weekend. Aerial Firefighting Despite efforts by firefighting aircraft on Sunday, high winds posed a risk of further highway closure. Route Implications The closure of Highway 7 meant the only accessible route to and from Fort Liard and Nahanni Butte was through British Columbia.


Highway 7 reopened Monday morning after a wildfire that had previously been contained flared up and closed the road a day earlier.

On Sunday, NWT Fire reported that “extreme fire conditions” had closed the road. Satellite hotspots suggested the fire was burning about 15km south of the Checkpoint intersection with Highway 1 in Dehcho.

On Monday morning, the NWT Infrastructure Department reported that the highway had reopened, but that “travelers should reduce their speed and use caution through this area.”

According to NWT Fire, the fire had become a problem again after warm, dry conditions over the weekend were accompanied by heavy winds.



Earlier on Sunday, firefighting aircraft were deployed to help contain the fire, but the NWT Fire Department said high winds could force the highway to close.

Highway 7 connects the NWT to BC and runs from Fort Simpson to Fort Liard. The closure means that for now the only highway to and from Fort Liard and Nahanni Butte is the route south through B.C.


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