Is it time to divest eBay Inc. (NASDAQ:EBAY) with a price of $53.69 to your watchlist?

Paragraph 1:Paragraph 1: Introduces eBay and mentions recent price fluctuations. Considers whether current trading price reflects true value. Paragraph 2: States that eBay is currently undervalued based on intrinsic value calculations. Explains the potential opportunity to buy low. Paragraph 3: Highlights eBay’s negative earnings growth forecast and suggests major uncertainty. Paragraph 4: Advises current shareholders to consider increasing their exposure or diversifying. Recommends potential investors to dive deeper into the stock due to its undervaluation, but warns of growth risks. Paragraph 5: Mentions potential risks associated with eBay and encourages investors to be aware of them. Paragraph 6: Promotes the reader to view a list of over 50 other high-growth-potential stocks. Paragraph 7: Encourages readers to explore Simply Wall St’s comprehensive analysis, including valuation and risk assessments. Paragraph 8: Highlights the general nature of the article, emphasizing historical data and objective methodology. Emphasizes the absence of financial advice and the importance of fundamental data analysis. Paragraph 9: Reiterates the article’s disclaimer and lack of stock positions. Paragraph 10: Encourages feedback from readers and provides contact information.

Let’s talk about the popular eBay Inc. (NASDAQ:EBAY). The company’s shares have seen significant price movement on the NASDAQGS in recent months, rising to highs of US$54.55 and falling to lows of US$49.38. Some price movements can give investors a better opportunity to get into the stock and possibly buy at a lower price. A question to be answered is whether eBay’s current trading price of US$53.69 reflects the true value of the large-cap? Or is it currently undervalued, giving us an opportunity to buy? Let’s take a look at eBay’s prospects and value based on the latest financial data to see if there are any catalysts for a price change.

Check out our latest analysis for eBay

What are the chances on eBay?

Good news, investors! eBay is still a bargain right now. According to our valuation, the intrinsic value of the stock is $86.46, which is higher than what the market is currently valuing the company. This suggests a potential opportunity to buy low. However, there may be another chance to buy again in the future. This is because eBay’s beta (a measure of stock price volatility) is high, meaning that its price movements will be exaggerated relative to the rest of the market. If the market is bearish, the company’s stock will likely fall more than the rest of the market, presenting an excellent buying opportunity.

Can we expect growth from eBay?

NasdaqGS:EBAY earnings and sales growth June 27, 2024

Future prospects are an important aspect when buying stocks, especially if you are an investor looking for growth in your portfolio. Buying a great company with a robust outlook at a cheap price is always a good investment, so let’s also take a look at the company’s future expectations. But with an extremely negative double-digit earnings change expected in the coming years, short-term growth is certainly not a reason for a buying decision. It seems like major uncertainty is looming for eBay, at least in the near future.

What this means for you

Are you a shareholder? While EBAY is currently undervalued, the negative outlook of negative growth does pose a degree of risk. We encourage you to consider whether you want to increase your portfolio exposure to EBAY, or whether diversifying into another stock is a better move for your overall risk and return.

Are you a potential investor? If you’ve been keeping an eye on EBAY for a while but are hesitant to take the plunge, we recommend diving deeper into the stock. Given its current undervaluation, now is a good time to make a decision. But be aware of the risks associated with negative growth prospects going forward.

If you want to learn more about eBay as a business, it’s important to be aware of the risks that the company faces. For example, we’ve seen 4 Warning Signs for eBay what you need to take into account and one of them makes us a little uncomfortable.

If you are no longer interested in eBay, you can view a list of over 50 other stocks with high growth potential through our free platform.

Valuation is complex, but we help make it simple.

Find out whether eBay may be over or undervalued by checking out our comprehensive analysis, which includes: fair value estimates, risks and warnings, dividends, insider transactions and financial health.

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This article from Simply Wall St is general in nature. We comment solely on historical data and analyst forecasts, using an objective methodology. Our articles are not intended as financial advice. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. We aim to provide you with targeted, long-term analysis based on fundamental data. Please note that our analysis may not take into account the latest price-sensitive company announcements or quality material. Simply Wall St has no positions in the stocks mentioned.

Valuation is complex, but we make it simple.

Find out if eBay may be over or undervalued by checking out our comprehensive analysis, including: fair value estimates, risks and warnings, dividends, insider transactions and financial health.

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