House hearing exposes Biden’s ‘politicization’ of FDA, consequences of hasty approval of COVID vaccine for children, military

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n’ and is about the House Judiciary subcommittee hearing on the ‘politicization’ of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the pandemic.

A House Judiciary subcommittee hearing on Wednesday the ‘politicization’ of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the pandemic revealed how the Biden administration allegedly pressured medical professionals to give the COVID-19 vaccine to children before sufficient testing had been completed to confirm or deny its safety.

At the start of the subcommittee hearing, “Follow the Science?: Oversight of the Biden COVID-19 Administrative State Response,” Chairman Thomas Massie, R-Ky., read from Dr. Marion Gruber, the former director of the FDA’s vaccine office, about conversations she had with Dr. Peter Marks, the agency’s top vaccine regulator, on the efficacy of the COVID vaccine in children. Massie said Gruber expressed the need for more pilot testing in the pediatric population, particularly among men ages 12 to 17, but Marks is said to have pushed to further compress the schedule for licensing the vaccines so they could be made mandatory.

“Just as they were getting the warnings that myocarditis and pericarditis were real and serious side effects of the vaccine, the FDA’s top scientists had already agreed to compress the schedule as much as possible, just as they were getting the message that there were serious side effects . effects,” Massie said. “And Peter Marks, instead of telling them, ‘We’re going to give you more time to study this,’ he told them to compress the schedule even further.

“And when they said that it was not possible to compress the schedule, he fired them. He took them out of their jobs and gave them other tasks. The top vaccine officials who had been there for 30 years left their jobs because they wanted more time to study the effects of the vaccines. And they were told that they had to do it quickly because they needed a mandate.


“The Biden administration mandated the vaccine to the military and young people attending school despite a lack of testing and data, despite increasing reports of vaccine injuries. These types of decisions by the administrative state are worrying. The FDA should not have approved a vaccine for children, EOA or otherwise, without proper testing. Injuries due to COVID vaccination are real.”

During separate questioning, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, asked the witnesses: “Do you agree that the biggest reason for vaccine hesitancy is because of what the U.S. government has told us about COVID and about the vaccine itself? ”

“I agree,” said Dr. Jordan Vaughn, an internist in private practice in Birmingham, Alabama. “They were told one thing, and honestly, once the opposite happens, most people usually start to doubt whoever told them that.”

“The root of the vaccine hesitancy, the reason this became so political in my opinion, is because our government told us over and over again things that were wrong,” Jordan said.

Vaughn previously testified during the hearing that he has treated more than 2,000 “unique patients” with complications from the COVID-19 vaccination since 2022, including more than 30 military personnel.

He provided six specific examples of otherwise healthy members of the military who, after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and required booster shots, were suddenly hospitalized with flu-like symptoms, chest pain or shortness of breath. Some required emergency surgery to remove a pancreas, some became too weak to walk or were eventually discharged after they were no longer considered physically fit enough to serve. In one case, a man went into cardiac arrest and died on the bathroom floor.

“Especially among people with vaccine damage, their confidence in medicine and public health is broken. Many of those patients were unable to get vaccinated because they either knew the sensitivities of their own immune systems or had a prior infection with COVID-19,” Vaughn said in his opening statement.

“However, it was under the military service member, federal employee, and August 2021 OSHA mandate that these individuals were faced with a decision to either vaccinate against their conscience and common sense or lose a career and gainful employment. Now disabled by the ill effects of these mandatory injections, the profession they once loved has become an afterthought to the hope of a diagnosis and possible treatment. One of the most egregious is that our service members have been needlessly harmed by the mandate.

“Given emerging data from spring 2021 on young athletic individuals’ hearts and myocarditis from the mod mRNA COVID-19 injections,” Vaughn said, “the FDA and the Biden administration sought to expedite approval and mandate it for the military in the name of military readiness.”


Later, Jordan told Vaughn, “Tell me about that relationship, and how politics played a role in the relationship that should exist between the doctor and their patient.”

“I think the greatest trust was lost when they were ordered to do something against their conscience, and I think that’s one of the things that has to happen – especially when you’re talking about a doctor who knows his patient – “There are certain patients who don’t need their immune systems to be poked in a sense,” says Vaughn, also the founder of the Microvascular Research Foundation, an organization dedicated to finding treatments for vaccine injury and long COVID-19 .

“That knowledge is what a doctor and his patient have and the relationship that exists. It’s not something you’ll find in a parking lot if you roll down your window.”

Among the witnesses was Aaron Siri, a vaccine litigation expert who handles lawsuits involving injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine.

He told Jordan that “billions of dollars were at stake for these pharmaceutical companies, and that had a major impact on how these vaccines were rolled out. That’s a financial conflict of interest, especially if they didn’t have to pay for any injuries, and they knew it in advance because the federal government contractually agreed that immunity would apply to every single vaccine that was rolled out.”

Testifying along with Gruber was his former boss, Dr. Philip Krause, former deputy director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review, said before Wednesday’s hearing that he had left the FDA after 30 years serving in various roles within the agency in protest over political issues. push from the Biden administration to allow vaccine boosters in young people in 2021.

“The rapid move toward mandates, which was foreshadowed by other comments from the Biden administration, suggested that the rapid vaccine review was driven more by a desire to mandate vaccines than by other public health considerations,” Krause said in his opening statement.

“It would be unrealistic to assume that politicians would not be interested in vaccine policy in the middle of a pandemic,” he added. “Of course, they may hope to influence decision-making in a way that could increase their political capital. But every time this happens, there is collateral damage to trust. If politicians were to make their own decisions and declare that they were responsible for them, it would at least be transparent and not undermine trust in public health authorities.

“But when politically appointed and Senate-confirmed agency heads announce these decisions as if they were the result of normal processes, it becomes nearly impossible for the public or physicians to know which decisions are based on public health and which are politically motivated. ”



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