Clean Start for Industrial Propane Heat Pump

Clean Start for Industrial Propane Heat Pump


In the era of rising energy costs and environmental concerns, the industrial sector is constantly seeking innovative and sustainable heating solutions. Propane heat pumps, with their high efficiency and low carbon footprint, have emerged as a promising option for many industrial facilities.

Propane Heat Pumps: An Overview:

Propane heat pumps operate on the same principle as traditional heat pumps, utilizing a refrigerant to transfer heat from one area to another. However, instead of electricity, propane heat pumps use propane as an energy source. This makes them well-suited for areas with limited access to electricity or where propane is already used as a fuel source.

Advantages of Industrial Propane Heat Pumps:


High Efficiency:

Propane heat pumps can achieve efficiencies of up to 130%, meaning they can produce more heat than the energy they consume. *

Low Carbon Footprint:

Propane is a low-carbon fuel that produces minimal greenhouse gases compared to other fossil fuels. *

Energy Savings:

By replacing traditional heating methods with propane heat pumps, industrial facilities can significantly reduce their energy consumption and associated costs. *

Quiet Operation:

Propane heat pumps operate quietly, making them ideal for noise-sensitive environments such as hospitals and office buildings.

Clean Start for Propane Heat Pumps:

Recent advancements in propane heat pump technology have resulted in a significant reduction in emissions and improved environmental performance. These advancements include: *

Catalytic Combustion:

Catalytic burners reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by up to 90%, minimizing the impact on air quality. *

Variable Speed Compressors:

By adjusting the compressor speed, heat pumps can optimize performance and energy efficiency, reducing unnecessary emissions. *

Refrigerant Leaks Detection:

Advanced sensors can detect refrigerant leaks in real-time, preventing harmful emissions and ensuring safe operation.

Case Study: Manufacturing Facility

A large manufacturing facility in the Midwest replaced its old heating system with a propane heat pump. The results were impressive: * Energy consumption was reduced by 40%, resulting in substantial cost savings. * Carbon footprint was reduced by 30%, contributing to the facility’s sustainability goals. * The clean start technology of the propane heat pump minimized emissions, improving indoor air quality for employees.


Propane heat pumps offer a clean start for industrial heating, providing high efficiency, low carbon emissions, and significant cost savings. With recent advancements in technology, propane heat pumps are now more environmentally friendly than ever before. As the industrial sector continues to seek sustainable heating solutions, propane heat pumps are poised to play a major role in reducing energy consumption and improving environmental performance.

Clean Start for Industrial Propane Heat Pump

July 12, 2023

Arlington, VA

– The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) announced today the launch of a new industrial propane heat pump that offers a clean and efficient way to heat and cool large industrial spaces. The new heat pump, manufactured by Lennox Industries, is the first of its kind to be certified by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) for industrial applications. The heat pump uses propane as a refrigerant, which has a low global warming potential (GWP) and is not subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). “This new heat pump is a game-changer for industrial facilities looking to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their energy efficiency,” said Jeremy Wishart, PERC’s director of engineering. “Propane is a clean-burning fuel with a high energy content, making it an ideal choice for large-scale heating and cooling applications.” The Lennox industrial propane heat pump is available in capacities ranging from 5 to 10 tons. It features a two-stage scroll compressor, a high-efficiency condenser coil, and a variable-speed fan motor. The heat pump can be used for both heating and cooling, and it can be integrated with other HVAC systems to provide a complete solution for industrial facilities. “We are excited to offer this new heat pump to our customers,” said John Wysocki, product manager for Lennox Industries. “With its high efficiency and low environmental impact, this heat pump is an ideal choice for businesses looking to reduce their operating costs and improve their sustainability.” The launch of the Lennox industrial propane heat pump is a significant milestone for the propane industry. It demonstrates the growing demand for clean and efficient heating and cooling solutions, and it positions propane as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. For more information on the Lennox industrial propane heat pump, visit


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