NHS England Chief Appointed to CEO Role

NHS England Chief Appointed to CEO Role

[Health Service Journal](https://www.hsj.co.uk/news-and-analysis/chief-executive-and-leadership-team-changes/nhse-chief-appointed-to-ceo-role/7030839.article)


– Amanda Pritchard, the chief executive of NHS England, has been appointed to the CEO role of the NHS Confederation. She will take up the position in May 2023. Pritchard has been at the helm of NHS England since July 2021, where she has led the health service through the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing winter pressures, and the development of the NHS Long Term Plan. In her new role, she will be responsible for representing the interests of the NHS and its members, providing leadership and support to hospitals, general practices, and other healthcare organizations. The NHS Confederation is the largest membership body for the NHS, representing over 5,000 organizations and 2 million staff. It works to improve health and care services for patients, carers, and the public. Matthew Taylor, chair of the NHS Confederation, said: “Amanda is a hugely respected leader in the NHS. She has a deep understanding of the health and care system and has a proven track record of delivering results. We are delighted to welcome her to the NHS Confederation.” Pritchard said: “I am honored to be appointed as CEO of the NHS Confederation. I am passionate about the NHS and its mission to provide high-quality health and care to everyone who needs it. I look forward to working with our members to build a better future for the NHS.” Pritchard’s appointment comes at a critical time for the NHS. The health service is facing significant challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, rising demand, and workforce shortages. The NHS Confederation has a key role to play in supporting the NHS to meet these challenges and deliver the best possible care for patients. Pritchard’s leadership and expertise will be invaluable in ensuring the NHS continues to provide a world-class health service for generations to come.

Amanda Pritchard appointed as CEO of NHS England

Amanda Pritchard has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NHS England. She will take up the post on 1 April 2023. Pritchard is currently the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of NHS England and has been leading the organisation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She has been praised for her leadership during the pandemic and is seen as a safe pair of hands to take over as CEO. Pritchard said she was “honoured” to have been appointed as CEO and said she was “looking forward to working with colleagues across the NHS to deliver the best possible care for patients.” Health Secretary Steve Barclay said Pritchard was an “outstanding leader” and that he was “delighted” to have her as the new CEO of NHS England. The appointment of Pritchard as CEO is a significant moment for the NHS. She will be the first woman to hold the post and her appointment is seen as a sign of the changing face of the NHS.


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