Origin of a folk hero on the island: Bob the “free cyclist” Turkey

Bob the Turkey: Quadra Island’s Folk HeroBob the Turkey: Quadra Island’s Folk Hero A remarkable turkey named Bob has become a sensation on Quadra Island, British Columbia. This charismatic and elusive bird has captured the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Unexpected Encounter Maria and Eden Joy Shoichate were ecstatic when they encountered Bob strutting across the road during rush hour. Their excitement caused a minor traffic jam as drivers stopped their pick-ups and e-bike to give the avian celebrity a moment of adoration. A Legend in the Making Bob’s fame has grown exponentially over the past season. His whereabouts are eagerly tracked by locals, who share sightings and gossip on social media. The turkey’s distinctive gobble echoes through the island’s landscapes, announcing his presence. Tragic Origin Bob’s rise to stardom has been tinged with sadness. His owner, Karen Knighswander, revealed that the turkey was raised in a domesticated herd but lost his flock and his mate to eagles. This heartbreak drove Bob to wander in search of companionship. Respect and Freedom Knighswander and her family have chosen to respect Bob’s decision to live independently. While they ensure his well-being, they avoid capturing him, understanding that his freedom is paramount. Community Hero Bob’s presence has become a source of joy and wonder for the island community. Tourists flock to see the strutting celebrity, and locals treat him with utmost respect. A recent Facebook survey even garnered suggestions to enhance Bob’s life further. Musical Inspiration Bob’s infectious spirit has even inspired a band, which has composed a series of popular songs about the turkey. The catchy choruses and foot-tapping rhythms have become viral sensations. Legacy As Bob approaches his golden years, Knighswander acknowledges that his time will eventually come to an end. However, she hopes to commission a bronze statue to commemorate his beloved legacy. Conclusion Bob the Turkey is an extraordinary creature that has captured the hearts of Quadra Island and beyond. His story is a testament to the resilience of nature and the power of human compassion. From his humble beginnings to his role as a folk hero, Bob continues to spread joy and wonder wherever he goes.

A Quadra Island sensation recently caused a rush hour rush, causing two pick-ups and an e-bike to screech to a halt at the four-way stop so young fans could enjoy a one-on-one experience with a local legend.

Bob the Turkey was on the road, eager for alms.

Maria and Eden Joy Shoichate, ages 15 and 9, were giddy after their chance encounter with the tiny BC island’s rising star on a recent morning.

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“I thought, ‘Mom! Mom! Look, there’s a wild turkey!” said Maria The Canadian National Observer reporter on site.

“You almost caused a car accident,” Eden Joy pointed out.

“I didn’t cause a car accident,” Maria said.

“Almost!” Eden Joy insisted.

Bob played it coy, taking his time before accepting the piece of granola bar he was offered and posing for a photo with his fans.

Bob is a star with a growing fan base who actively monitors his whereabouts and well-being, sharing sightings and gossip on the local Facebook page.

Why did the turkey cross the road? To meet and greet adoring fans! #QuadraIsland, #BobTheTurkey, #folkhero, #freedom, #heartbreak #GobbleSoGrand

Although he is a wild breed, Bob was raised in a domesticated herd and has been a long-time regular on the island circuit. In the spring it turns up in people’s gardens, the ferry terminal, the cafe and the small village shopping center – its gripping, throaty gulp echoing across lawns, woodlands and country lanes.

But his fame soared to new heights this season after his owner Karen Knighswander posted Bob’s tragic “wings of freedom” origin story on Facebook and made a public plea for people to be kind to their beloved wild turkey.

Known as Mister Turkey, also known as Vincent von Stockpot the Third before he got his stage name, Bob is a family member and welcome to return to the Nighswander’s 50-acre farm at any time, Karen said. Bob often returns from his walks of his own accord, especially when the farm’s blueberries, which Karen hand-feeds him, are ripe.

“And like any good man, he often comes home for dinner,” she said.

Bob started wandering two years ago when he lost the last of his flock and his “dear wife” to eagles. Every mating season, Bob desperately escapes in a fruitless search for a girlfriend.

In the past, the Nighswander family, using information from islanders, made extensive recovery efforts to trap Bob and bring him home.

“We didn’t want it getting into people’s gardens because it could really make a mess, and we didn’t want people running over it or trying to get hold of it,” Karen said.

Bob is incredibly strong and cunning, and his wings can be dangerous, she added. The turkey can be tricky to catch, so this year his owners decided to let him do his own thing unless he caused problems.

Although he is vulnerable to being eaten by wolves or other wild animals, Bob has chosen to live his life on the edge, on his own terms, and the family respects his wishes, she said.

The Nighswander family is happy that people treat Bob with respect because his well-being is very important to them, she emphasized.

Quadra Island celebrity Bob the Turkey waits for the library to open. Photo Rochelle Baker / Canada’s National Observer

Karen is also excited about Bob’s status as a folk hero. The turkey is a hit with tourists as it parades through the community green next to the cafe, where it is said to be a firm favorite of the pastry chef.

In addition to the ongoing posts about his whereabouts, there’s also a community survey on how you can make Bob’s life even more awesome.

The top suggestions so far include:

  • Donate to get him an ostrich and llama entourage.
  • Let the free spirit remind us of our youthful wonder and mystery.
  • Never build a bridge. Because Bob would experience the rough life.

Facebook screenshot of Quadra Island survey on Bob the Turkey.

Building on his increasing fame, Bob has also formed a band, which has inspired a series of infectious AI musical earworms, such as the reggae single “I’m not Jive Turkey”or the vibrant bluegrass song, “Gobbled into the wild.”with its catchy chorus:

“With a sip so grand / He’s the king of the island in this crazy land.”

Like any shining comet, Karen knows that Bob, already elderly at 8 years old, is destined to fade away and go to heaven.

She thinks she might have to have a bronze statue of the beloved bird made for his fans if he does.

Until then, she said, “I’m glad he’s living his best life and sharing himself with the community.”

Bob’s last confirmed sighting was Friday afternoon, June 21.

Rochelle Baker / Local Journalism Initiative / Canada’s National Observer



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