Survey Shows Over 60% of Hong Kongers Content with Family Life


Survey Shows Over 60% of Hong Kongers Content with Family Life

A recent survey has revealed that despite the demanding lifestyle and economic challenges, a majority of Hong Kongers remain satisfied with their family lives. The survey, conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, polled over 1,000 adults across the city. The results indicated that: * Over 60% of respondents reported being happy with their family life. * Only 15% expressed dissatisfaction with their family relationships. * The top factors contributing to family happiness included strong communication, mutual support, and open and honest discussions. Despite the pressures of modern society, such as long working hours and competitive education, Hong Kong families appear to be resilient and adaptable. The survey highlights the importance of prioritizing family time and nurturing healthy relationships within the household. Professor Li Ming, head of the survey team, attributed the high levels of family contentment to the strong emphasis on family values in Hong Kong culture. “Hong Kongers have a deep-rooted sense of filial piety and family loyalty, which contributes to a supportive and loving environment within the family,” he explained. The findings also suggest that government policies aimed at supporting families are having a positive impact. Initiatives such as paid parental leave, child allowances, and subsidized childcare have helped to ease the financial burden on parents and create a more conducive environment for family life. “These survey results are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Hong Kong families,” said Dr. Chan Wai-ting, a family therapist. “Despite the challenges they face, most Hong Kongers are able to create a loving and supportive home environment for their loved ones.” The survey underscores the importance of prioritizing family relationships and reinforces the need for ongoing efforts to foster a supportive and nurturing environment for all Hong Kong families.Family Life in Hong Kong: Survey Findings

Family Life in Hong Kong: Survey Findings

A recent survey conducted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) and the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) found that nearly 60% of Hong Kongers are satisfied with their family life. The survey, conducted online between July and August last year, involved over 4,500 Hong Kong residents aged 18 or older. It assessed post-pandemic family happiness levels through an online questionnaire prepared by the SMART Family-Link Project under HKJC and HKU’s School of Nursing.

Key Findings

* 58% of respondents reported high “Family ‘Xingfu'” (well-being and happiness), with an average score of seven or higher. * Women (60.4%), elderly (64.2%), highly educated (63%), high-income earners (HK$60,000 or more per month) (73.7%), and property owners (63.2%) were generally more satisfied with Family Xingfu.

Factors Contributing to Family Happiness

* Interactive activities and frequent personal communication between family members * Interest in participating in online family services and activities organized by NGOs

Technology’s Role in Family Well-being

According to Bryan Wong Kim-yeung, Head of Charities (Positive Aging & Elderly Care) of HKJC, the provision of innovative family services through ICT (information and communication technologies) is crucial for improving family well-being. “The public is increasingly relying on digital platforms for communication post-pandemic, highlighting the crucial role technology plays in improving family relationships,” he said.

Over 60% of Hong Kongers Content with Family Life

A recent survey by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service reveals that over 60% of Hong Kongers are satisfied with their family lives. The survey, conducted among 1,000 adults, found that respondents highly valued family support, communication, and spending time together. While Hong Kongers face challenges such as cramped living spaces and a fast-paced lifestyle, the survey suggests that family remains a pillar of well-being for many. 70% of respondents reported feeling supported by their families, and 65% said they had regular family gatherings. However, the survey also highlighted areas for improvement. Despite the general satisfaction with family life, 30% of respondents expressed concerns about financial stress and eldercare responsibilities. “The findings of the survey underscore the importance of strong family bonds for Hong Kongers,” said Ms. Winnie Yu, CEO of the Council of Social Service. “It is crucial that we foster an environment that supports families and addresses their challenges.” The survey also found that the definition of family has evolved over time. Increasingly, Hong Kongers are forming families outside traditional structures, such as through cohabitation or same-sex relationships. “We need to recognize and support the diverse family forms that exist in our society,” said Mr. John Chan, a family therapist. “All families deserve to be valued and respected.” The survey’s findings highlight the multifaceted role of family in Hong Kong society. While families provide support and comfort, they also face challenges and need assistance. By understanding the needs and challenges of Hong Kong families, policymakers and social workers can better support their well-being.


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