J&K’s Private Hospitals Await Government Funds for Ayushman Bharat


J&K’s Private Hospitals Await Government Funds for Ayushman Bharat

Private hospitals in Jammu and Kashmir are facing financial constraints as they await the release of government funds to continue providing services under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY). The AB-PMJAY scheme provides cashless healthcare coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakh per family per year to over 500 million eligible beneficiaries. Private hospitals play a crucial role in the implementation of the scheme by offering a wide range of medical services. However, in J&K, several private hospitals have reportedly not received any reimbursements from the government since the scheme’s launch in 2018. This has led to accumulated arrears amounting to crores of rupees. “We’re in a difficult situation,” said the administrator of a private hospital in Jammu. “We’ve been providing services under Ayushman Bharat for the past four years, but we haven’t received any reimbursements. We’re struggling to pay our staff, maintain our facilities, and procure essential supplies.” The hospitals have repeatedly appealed to the government to release the funds promptly. They fear that the delay in payments will force them to either reduce their services under Ayushman Bharat or withdraw from the scheme altogether. A senior official in the J&K Health Department acknowledged the issue but said that the government is working on a solution. “We’re aware of the concerns of the private hospitals. We’ve taken up the matter with higher authorities and are hopeful that the funds will be released soon,” the official said. The delay in fund release has not only affected the operations of private hospitals but has also impacted the beneficiaries of Ayushman Bharat. Many patients are being denied or delayed access to necessary medical care due to the financial constraints faced by the hospitals. “I was diagnosed with a heart condition last year and was eligible for coverage under Ayushman Bharat. But when I went to a private hospital, they refused to admit me because they hadn’t received their payments from the government,” said a patient in Srinagar. The J&K government has assured the private hospitals that their dues will be cleared. However, the timeline for the release of funds remains uncertain. Until then, the hospitals and the beneficiaries of Ayushman Bharat continue to wait and hope for a resolution.Scottish Parliament Passes Buffer Zones for Abortion Services

Scottish Parliament Passes Buffer Zones for Abortion Services

Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay has led the successful passage of a bill into law that will create buffer zones around healthcare facilities providing abortions in Scotland. The Safe Access Zones (Scotland) Bill for Abortion Services passed its final stage of debate in the Scottish Parliament on June 12, 2024, with 118 votes in favor and only 1 against. The bill creates 200-meter-wide exclusion zones to prohibit protests and harassment aimed at women seeking abortions or medical professionals providing the services. MSP Mackay expressed gratitude to campaigners and medical professionals for their determination and support in pushing for this legislation. She acknowledged the importance of organizations like Back Off Scotland, health organizations, trade unions, and international figures in securing this victory. The bill aims to end the shameful scenes of protesters intimidating women and medical professionals accessing or providing healthcare. It upholds a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body without fear or intimidation. The passage of the bill is seen as a significant step forward in protecting women’s reproductive rights and privacy. According to Mackay, it sends a clear message that a woman’s decision about what happens to her body is solely her own.Private hospitals in Jammu and Kashmir are facing a financial crunch and are waiting for the release of government funds to continue providing services under the Ayushman Bharat scheme. The hospitals have been providing free treatment to beneficiaries under the scheme, which was launched in the Union Territory in 2018. However, they have not received any funds from the government since then. As a result, the hospitals are struggling to pay their staff and maintain their infrastructure. Some hospitals have even been forced to reduce the number of beds available for Ayushman Bharat beneficiaries. The delay in the release of funds has also led to a decline in the number of patients seeking treatment under the scheme. In some hospitals, the number of beneficiaries has fallen by as much as 50%. The hospitals have appealed to the government to release the funds immediately so that they can continue providing quality healthcare to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.


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