Jobs Most Vulnerable to Automation Outlined in Government Report


Jobs Most Vulnerable to Automation Outlined in Government Report

A comprehensive report commissioned by the government has identified the occupations most likely to be displaced by artificial intelligence (AI) in the coming years. The report serves as a warning to policymakers and industry leaders about the potential impact of AI on the workforce and highlights the urgent need for strategies to mitigate its effects.

Highly Susceptible Jobs:

The report identified several job categories that are highly susceptible to automation due to the repetitive or predictable nature of their tasks. These include: *

Data entry clerks:

AI-powered systems can perform rapid and accurate data entry and processing, eliminating the need for human operators. *

Telemarketers and customer service representatives:

AI chatbots and virtual assistants can provide customer support and sales inquiries, replacing human workers in these tasks. *

Factory workers:

Robots and automated systems can perform manufacturing tasks with greater precision and efficiency than human workers. *


AI-based software can analyze financial data, generate reports, and even make accounting decisions, reducing the need for human accountants. *

Truck drivers:

Self-driving cars and trucks are rapidly developing, threatening to displace a significant number of truck drivers in the near future.

Medium Susceptibility Jobs:

Other occupations are less directly susceptible to automation but may still be impacted indirectly as AI-driven technologies disrupt the industries they operate in. These include: *

Sales representatives:

AI can provide insights into customer behavior and automate sales processes, reducing the need for traditional sales staff. *

Legal assistants:

AI systems can analyze legal documents, conduct research, and generate draft legal documents, reducing the need for human assistants. *


AI algorithms can assist in diagnosing medical images with greater speed and accuracy, potentially reducing the demand for radiologists. *

Financial analysts:

AI-driven systems can process large amounts of financial data and predict trends, reducing the need for human analysts to perform these tasks.

Policy Recommendations:

To address the potential job losses resulting from AI, the report recommends several policy measures: *

Investing in education and training:

Governments and employers should provide funding and support for programs that prepare workers for jobs in emerging fields and industries less susceptible to automation. *

Promoting lifelong learning:

Individuals should embrace lifelong learning to acquire new skills and adapt to changing job requirements. *

Strengthening social safety nets:

Government programs should provide income support, healthcare, and job placement assistance to workers who lose their jobs due to AI. *

Encouraging innovation:

Policies should foster innovation and support the development of new industries and technologies that create new job opportunities. The report emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps to prepare for the impact of AI on the workforce. By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by AI, policymakers and industry leaders can create a future where humans and technology coexist to drive economic growth and societal progress.AI’s Impact on Employment

AI’s Impact on Employment

According to recent reports published by the Irish government, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on employment in Ireland.

Most Vulnerable Occupations:

– Women – Individuals working in urban areas – Employees in white-collar jobs

Least Vulnerable Occupations:

– Athletes – Firefighters – Chefs

Exposure to AI:

– 63% of employment in Ireland is exposed to AI. – 33% of employment is exposed in a “free way,” where AI may complement worker tasks. – 30% of employment is exposed in a “substitutable way,” where AI has the potential to replace some tasks.

Gender and Exposure:

– Women are more exposed to AI than men (76% vs. 51%). – This disparity is due to the higher concentration of women in administrative, customer service, and healthcare occupations.

Urban-Rural Divide:

– Individuals working in urban regions are more exposed to AI than those in rural areas.

Income and Exposure:

– There is a positive correlation between AI exposure and earnings. – Higher income earners are likely to benefit more from AI adoption.

High-Profile Occupations:

– Jobs with high awareness and weak complementarity (tasks that can be easily automated) include telephone salespersons and accountants. – Jobs with high profile and strong complementarity (tasks that require human expertise) include doctors and lawyers.

Government Intervention:

– The government acknowledges that AI may lead to structural changes in the labor market. – It is considering interventions to support lower-paid earners whose jobs may be at risk.

Employer Perspectives:

– A study by ManpowerGroup Ireland reports that 51% of employers anticipate an increase in workforce size due to AI adoption.


The adoption of AI is expected to transform the employment landscape in Ireland. While some occupations may be displaced, others are likely to emerge and require new skills. It is crucial for individuals and businesses to adapt to these changes and embrace the opportunities presented by AI.A new government report has highlighted the jobs most at risk from artificial intelligence (AI). The report, commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), found that jobs in the following sectors are most likely to be automated in the next decade: – Manufacturing – Transportation and logistics – Retail – Food service – Customer service The report also found that jobs that require a high level of human interaction, such as those in healthcare, education, and social work, are less likely to be automated. The government has said that it will invest in training and retraining programs to help workers adapt to the changing job market. The report’s findings are consistent with other research on the impact of AI on the workforce. A study by the McKinsey Global Institute found that AI could automate up to 30% of jobs in the next decade. The impact of AI on the workforce is a complex issue. While some jobs will be lost to automation, new jobs will also be created. The government will need to work with businesses and workers to help them adapt to the changing job market.


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