Garland Deplores ‘Unprecedented’ Republican Attacks on Justice Department

Garland Deplores ‘Unprecedented’ Republican Attacks on Justice Department

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday strongly condemned “unprecedented” attacks on the Justice Department by the Republican Party and vowed not to be “intimidated” in his work. In a speech at the University of Virginia School of Law, Garland said that the Republican Party had engaged in a “systematic campaign to undermine the department’s independence and legitimacy.” “These attacks are not only unfounded, they are also dangerous,” Garland said. “They threaten the very foundations of our democracy.” Garland listed a number of recent examples of Republican attacks on the department, including former President Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the department was “politically weaponized” against him and his allies. He also cited a recent vote by House Republicans to subpoena Garland over the department’s investigation into the January 6 Capitol riot. “These attacks are nothing less than an attempt to intimidate the department and prevent us from doing our job,” Garland said. “But I want to be clear: we will not be intimidated.” Garland said that the department would continue to investigate and prosecute crimes without fear or favor. “We will not be deterred by political pressure, by threats, or by violence,” he said. Garland’s speech comes at a time of heightened tensions between the Justice Department and the Republican Party. Republicans have accused the department of being biased against Trump and his allies, while Democrats have accused Republicans of trying to undermine the department’s independence. The conflict is likely to intensify in the coming months as the department continues its investigation into the January 6 Capitol riot. Trump and his allies are expected to be subpoenaed by the department as part of the investigation. Republicans are likely to continue to attack the department as the investigation proceeds.

Garland Deplores ‘Unprecedented’ Republican Attacks on Justice Department

Attorney General Merrick Garland has strongly condemned the “unprecedented” attacks on the Justice Department by the Republican Party. In a speech on Tuesday, Garland vowed not to be “intimidated” by these attacks and pledged to uphold the Department’s commitment to the rule of law.

Key Points:

* Garland accused Republicans of engaging in a “systematic and coordinated campaign” to undermine the Justice Department. * He highlighted recent Republican attacks on the department’s investigation into the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. * Garland emphasized that the Justice Department will not be swayed by political pressure and will continue to pursue its investigations independently. * He defended the department’s actions in the January 6 investigation, stating that it was “imperative” to hold accountable those responsible for the attack.

Republican Response:

Republicans have criticized Garland’s remarks, accusing him of politicizing the Justice Department. They have also defended their oversight of the Department, arguing that it is necessary to ensure accountability.


The attacks on the Justice Department have raised concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and the rule of law. It remains to be seen how the department will respond to these attacks and whether they will have a lasting impact on its operations.

Additional Notes:

* Garland’s speech was delivered at the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Chicago. * He has previously criticized Republican attacks on the Department, but his remarks on Tuesday were seen as a more forceful response. * The Justice Department has been under intense scrutiny since the January 6 investigation began.


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