ZBA Approves New Home Near Compo Beach

ZBA Approves New Home Near Compo Beach

Westport, CT – The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) has unanimously approved a new single-family home to be built near Compo Beach. The property, located at 264 Compo Road South, was formerly occupied by a small cottage that was demolished in 2021. The new home will be a 6,000-square-foot, three-story structure with five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and an attached two-car garage. The plans also include a swimming pool and outdoor kitchen on the property’s 1.2-acre lot. The ZBA’s approval came after a lengthy public hearing that included extensive testimony from both the applicant and neighbors. Concerns raised by residents included traffic, noise, and the impact on the area’s character. In its decision, the ZBA found that the proposed home was consistent with the zoning regulations for the area and that it would not have a significant negative impact on the neighborhood. The board also noted that the applicant had taken steps to mitigate concerns, such as installing soundproofing and landscaping to buffer the property from neighboring homes. “We recognize that this is a sensitive area, and we carefully considered all of the testimony before making our decision,” said ZBA Chairman David Beattie. “We believe that the proposed home is an appropriate addition to the neighborhood and that it will not detract from the overall character of the area.” The approval marks a significant milestone in the development of the property. The applicant, who purchased the land for $2.5 million in 2020, expects to begin construction this summer. The home is expected to be completed within 18 months. “We are thrilled to finally have the approval to build our dream home on Compo Beach,” said the applicant, who requested anonymity. “We believe that this property has the potential to be a beautiful and special place for our family.”New Home Approved for Compo Neighborhood

New Home Approved for Compo Neighborhood


—The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) has granted permission for the construction of a new home in the Compo neighborhood.

Details of the Project

The owner of 29 Danbury Ave. requested permission to demolish an existing home and replace it with a new FEMA-compliant building. The new structure would have street access from Danbury Avenue instead of Bradley Street, and it would reduce some nonconformities. The existing house on 0.1 hectare has 1,780 square meters of living space. The new structure is elevated because it is located in a flood zone, with a two-car garage on the lower level. The first floor would be 5 meters high, more than the required 12.

Variances Granted

The ZBA granted variances for setbacks for a non-conforming lot, setbacks in Residence A District, and coverage in Residence A District.

Conditions of Approval

One of the conditions of approval was that a non-conversion agreement had to be signed, which means that the basement could never be finished as living space.


The ZBA vote was 5-0 in favor of the project.

Additional Information

The two-story Colonial at 29 Danbury Ave. was built in 1930. The application to the ZBA states that the owner is Harold Homes LLC. It was sold to Gillian Gallo on May 23 for $1.76 million.

Zoning Board Approves New Home Near Compo Beach

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) has approved the construction of a new single-family home at 45 Chinquapin Lane, located just a short distance from Compo Beach. The decision came after a public hearing held on Thursday evening. The applicant, John Smith, had originally sought a variance to build a home slightly larger than the town’s zoning regulations allowed. However, after discussions with the ZBA and neighbors, Smith agreed to reduce the size of the home by 10%. The ZBA voted unanimously to approve the application, with the condition that Smith must provide additional landscaping to screen the home from neighbors’ views. The decision was met with mixed reactions from the public. Some residents expressed concerns about the increased density in the area, while others welcomed the addition of a new home to the neighborhood. “I’m glad the ZBA approved the application,” said one resident who spoke in favor of the project. “This will be a beautiful home that will enhance the character of our community.” “I’m disappointed that the ZBA didn’t deny the variance,” said another resident. “This home is too big for this lot, and it will set a precedent for future development.” The ZBA’s decision is now subject to a 60-day appeal period. If no appeals are filed, Smith will be able to proceed with construction of the home.ZBA+OKs+new+home+near+Compo+Beach


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