Group Debunks Allegations of Economic Sabotage in Kano Free Trade Zone

Group Debunks Allegations of Economic Sabotage in Kano Free Trade Zone

The Kano State Economic Planning and Budget Commission has strongly refuted allegations of economic sabotage in the Kano Free Trade Zone (KFTZ). In a statement released on Thursday, the commission denounced the claims made by certain individuals as “unfounded, malicious, and devoid of any factual basis.” According to the commission, the KFTZ has witnessed significant economic growth in recent years, with numerous domestic and international investors establishing their businesses in the zone. The commission cited the establishment of factories by companies such as Samsung, Dangote, and Indorama as evidence of the zone’s success. The statement further highlighted the government’s commitment to creating a conducive environment for businesses in the KFTZ, including providing infrastructure, incentives, and support services. It emphasized that the government has taken proactive measures to address any challenges faced by investors in the zone. The commission also dismissed allegations that the zone had become a haven for illicit activities. It stated that the KFTZ is under strict security surveillance and that any suspicious activities are promptly reported to relevant authorities. The statement concluded by urging the public to disregard the unsubstantiated allegations and support the government’s efforts to promote economic development in Kano State. The commission reiterated its full confidence in the management and operations of the KFTZ and expressed its commitment to ensuring its continued success.Kano Coalition Debunks Allegations of Illegalities in Free Trade Zone

Kano Coalition Debunks Allegations of Illegalities in Free Trade Zone

The Kano Coalition for Awareness on Accountability has refuted claims of illegal activities within the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) of the Nigerian Export Processing Zone Authority (NEPZA) in Kano State, allegedly leading to billions of Naira in lost revenue. In a statement issued by its chairman, Sadi Tanko Surajo, the group dismissed the accusations as unfounded and an attempt to defame businesses operating in the area. “There is no basis for the allegations of illegality in the Kano Free Trade Zone,” said Surajo. “I have conducted my business there for over a decade, and the accusations I have seen in the media lack any evidence.” He further emphasized that this is not the first time such allegations have been made, and authorities have consistently failed to find any wrongdoing within the FTZ. The statement comes in response to a petition submitted by the Center for Awareness on Good Governance and Development to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). The petition alleged that illicit activities within the zone were facilitated by officials of revenue agencies, including the Nigeria Customs Service. However, the Kano Coalition maintains that the allegations are baseless and that there are no illegal activities taking place in the FTZ.

Group Debunks Allegations of Economic Sabotage in Kano Free Trade Zone

Kano, Nigeria – A group of stakeholders in the Kano Free Trade Zone (KFTZ) has debunked allegations of economic sabotage leveled against the Zone. The allegations, which had been circulating on social media, claimed that certain individuals were deliberately sabotaging the Zone’s operations for financial gain. Speaking at a press conference, the group, led by the Chairman of the KFTZ Advisory Board, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, strongly condemned the allegations. They described them as baseless and malicious, and accused those making them of trying to tarnish the reputation of the Zone. “The KFTZ is a strategic development project designed to boost the economic development of Kano State and Nigeria as a whole,” said Alhaji Dangote. “It is a hub for investment and job creation, and we are committed to ensuring its success.” The group pointed out that the KFTZ has made significant progress since its inception, attracting investments from both domestic and international companies. They stressed that the Zone has created thousands of jobs for Nigerians and has contributed to the growth of the state’s economy. “We urge the general public to disregard these false and defamatory allegations,” said Alhaji Dangote. “They have no basis in fact and are intended to undermine the efforts of those working hard to develop the KFTZ.” The group also called on the relevant authorities to investigate the source of the allegations and take appropriate action against those spreading them. “We are confident that the truth will prevail,” said Alhaji Dangote. “The KFTZ is a vital asset to Kano State and Nigeria, and we will not allow a few disgruntled individuals to sabotage its success.”Group+Debunks+Allegations+of+Economic+Sabotage+in+Kano+Free+Trade+Zone


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