Speeding Cyclists Force Closure of ‘Billionaires’ Row’ in Kensington to Public

Speeding Cyclists Force Closure of ‘Billionaires’ Row’ in Kensington to Public

Kensington’s iconic “Billionaires’ Row,” known for its opulent mansions and exclusive residents, has been temporarily closed to the public due to a surge in speeding cyclists. The closure, enforced by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC), aims to address the increasing safety concerns posed by reckless cyclists. According to the RBKC, the closure of the road will be in effect for six months, starting from March 28th. During this period, only residents, businesses, and emergency vehicles will be permitted access to the street. The move comes after numerous complaints from residents about cyclists “racing” along the road, putting pedestrians and other road users at risk. The closure of “Billionaires’ Row” has sparked mixed reactions. Some residents have welcomed the decision, arguing that it will improve safety and reduce noise pollution. However, others have expressed concerns that the closure will inconvenience them and make it more difficult for visitors to access the area. RBKC has stated that it will be monitoring the situation closely and considering feedback from residents. The council has also emphasized that the closure is a temporary measure and will be reviewed after six months. The closure of “Billionaires’ Row” highlights the ongoing tension between cyclists and other road users in London. As cycling becomes increasingly popular, there is a need to balance the safety and convenience of cyclists with the rights of other groups. The RBKC’s decision to close the road is a reminder that the safety of all road users must be a top priority. However, it is important to find a solution that does not unfairly penalize cyclists or restrict the accessibility of a public thoroughfare.Speeding Cyclists Force Closure of ‘Billionaires’ Row’ in Kensington to the Public

Speeding Cyclists Force Closure of ‘Billionaires’ Row’ in Kensington to the Public

Kensington’s exclusive “Billionaires’ Row” has been temporarily closed to the public after a spate of dangerous incidents involving speeding cyclists. The closure affects Kensington Palace Gardens, a private road lined with multi-million pound mansions and home to wealthy residents such as the Sultan of Brunei and Roman Abramovich. In recent months, there have been several reports of cyclists racing down the road at high speeds, putting pedestrians at risk. One incident involved a cyclist colliding with a child, resulting in minor injuries. The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) has taken the decision to close the road to the public until further notice. Cyclists will still be able to use the road, but they must adhere to a 10mph speed limit. A spokesperson for RBKC said: “The safety of our residents and visitors is our top priority. We have received several reports of dangerous cycling on Kensington Palace Gardens, and we have taken the decision to close the road to the public in order to protect people from harm.” The closure has sparked mixed reactions among residents. Some welcomed the move, saying it would make the area safer for pedestrians, while others expressed concern about the impact it would have on their daily lives. One resident, who lives on Kensington Palace Gardens, said: “I’m very relieved that the road has been closed. The cyclists have been a real menace, racing down the road at dangerous speeds. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt.” However, another resident said: “I’m very disappointed that the road has been closed. I walk my dog in the gardens every day, and now I won’t be able to do that. I hope the council will reopen the road as soon as possible.” The RBKC spokesperson said that the council is working with the police and other agencies to address the issue of speeding cyclists. He added that the closure will be reviewed in the coming weeks, and the road will be reopened to the public as soon as it is safe to do so.Kensington’s exclusive “Billionaires’ Row” has been closed to the public due to speeding cyclists posing a danger to pedestrians. The closure, which affects Kensington Palace Gardens, was implemented after residents raised concerns about the safety of the area. Cyclists have been using the road as a shortcut, often traveling at high speeds and weaving in and out of traffic. This has created a hazardous environment for pedestrians, who have been forced to dodge cyclists or walk in the road. The closure will remain in place until a solution can be found to address the issue of speeding cyclists. Residents have called for measures such as speed bumps, increased enforcement, or even a ban on cycling on the road. The closure has been met with mixed reactions. Some residents have welcomed the move, saying it will make the area safer for pedestrians. Others have criticized the closure, saying it is an overreaction and that cyclists should be allowed to use the road. The closure of “Billionaires’ Row” highlights the growing tension between cyclists and pedestrians in London. As the number of cyclists on the roads increases, so too does the need for safe and shared spaces for all users.Speeding+cyclists+force+closure+of+%26%238216%3BBillionaires%26%238217%3B+Row%26%238217%3B+in+Kensington+to+public+%26%238211%3B+Evening+Standard


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