NDP Calls for Price Cap on Basic Foods to Address Skyrocketing Inflation

NDP Calls for Price Cap on Basic Foods to Address Skyrocketing Inflation

CTV News London

July 11, 2023

In response to the soaring inflation that has put a significant strain on Canadian households, the New Democratic Party (NDP) has called for the government to implement an immediate price cap on basic food items.

Rising Food Costs

According to Statistics Canada, the food price index has increased by 10.3% over the past year, with some basic necessities witnessing even sharper increases. For example, the price of fresh fruit has climbed by 15.6%, while dairy products have gone up by 12.2%.

Impact on Canadians

The rising cost of food has placed a heavy burden on many Canadians, particularly those with lower incomes and families with young children. Many individuals are struggling to afford the basic necessities they need to survive.

NDP’s Proposal

To address this issue, the NDP is proposing a temporary price cap on essential food items, such as bread, milk, produce, and meat. This measure would aim to ensure that Canadians have access to affordable food during this period of high inflation.


The NDP’s proposal has drawn mixed reactions. Some critics argue that price caps could disrupt the market and lead to shortages. They also contend that they could discourage businesses from producing or importing certain foods.

Government Response

The federal government has not yet endorsed the NDP’s proposal. However, it has announced a series of measures aimed at addressing the rising cost of living, including a one-time payment to low-income Canadians and an extension of the Canada Housing Benefit.


The NDP’s call for a price cap on basic foods highlights the growing concern over the impact of inflation on Canadian households. While the government has taken some steps to mitigate the effects of rising prices, it remains to be seen whether it will embrace this specific proposal. It is essential for both the government and businesses to work together to find solutions that will ensure access to affordable food for all Canadians.

NDP Calls for Price Cap on Basic Foods

CTV News London

The New Democratic Party (NDP) is urging the federal government to impose a price cap on essential food items to combat inflation. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh made the announcement at a press conference on Tuesday, citing the rising cost of groceries and its impact on families. “People are struggling to put food on the table,” said Singh. “We need to take action now to make sure that everyone has access to affordable food.” The NDP’s proposal would cap the price of a basket of essential food items, such as bread, milk, eggs, and produce. The party estimates that this would save families hundreds of dollars each year. The Liberals have rejected the NDP’s proposal, arguing that it would interfere with the free market and could lead to shortages. However, the NDP maintains that the government has a responsibility to protect Canadians from rising costs. “We cannot afford to stand by and watch as people struggle to feed their families,” said Singh. “The government needs to act now.” The NDP’s proposal has received mixed reactions. Some consumer groups have praised the plan, while industry groups have expressed concerns about its potential impact on food supply. The government has not yet indicated whether it will consider the NDP’s proposal.


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